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The Elder Scrolls: Arena メッセージ集:杖の破片#1

[The Elder Scrolls: Arena まとめ] [メッセージ集まとめ]



TEMPLATE.DAT #1315 #1316
%pcn がプレイヤー名に置き変わる。ここでは Player
%t %rf はここでは Queen Blubamka
選択肢で Yes を選択した場合。

Welcome to Rihad, Player. I am Queen Blubamka, and I agree to tell you about Fang Lair, for a favor. You see, not too long ago a band of goblins, led by Golthog the Dark attacked this stronghold. They carried away with them much treasure, including a parchment which held within its writings clues to decipher the part of the Elder Scrolls which spoke of the location of the legendary Fang Lair. Golthog and his goblins fled to an ancient and ruined fortress called Stonekeep, outside the city. I fear that a large band of mercenaries or soldiers will be unable to find them. A single person however, would be much more successful. Perhaps your arrival is fortuitous. If you would agree to try and recover this parchment, I will inscribe the location of the Stonekeep onto your map. If you are successful and return with the parchment, I will be able to decipher the location of Fang Lair. I promise to give you that location as reward for your help. Do you agree? Excellent. Stonekeep lies near Rihad. Be careful, Golthog is crafty and evil. It is even rumored that he is a necromancer serving the Underking. When you have the parchment, return with it here and I will find out the location of Fang Lair for you... Queen Blubamka smiles broadly and motions for you to take your leave...
プレイヤーよ、リハドへようこそ。私はブルバムカ女王。牙の隠れ家について教えてほしいという依頼に同意した。少し前、闇のゴルソグに率いられたゴブリンの一団が、この拠点を襲撃した。彼らは多くの財宝を持ち去り、その中には伝説の牙の隠れ家の場所について書かれたエルダースクロールの一部を解読する手がかりを記した羊皮紙も含まれていた。ゴルトグと彼のゴブリンたちは、街の外れにあるストーンキープと呼ばれる古く廃墟と化した要塞に逃げ込んだ。傭兵や兵士の大群が彼らを見つけることはできないだろう。しかし、一人ならもっとうまくいくだろう。あなた方の到着は僥倖かもしれない。この羊皮紙を取り戻すことに同意してくれるなら、ストーンキープの場所を地図に刻んでおこう。成功し、羊皮紙を持って戻ってくれば、牙の隠れ家の場所を解読できるだろう。褒美として、その場所を教えることを約束しよう。同意してくれるか? よろしい。ストーンキープはリハドの近くにある。気をつけろ、ゴルソグは狡猾で邪悪だ。アンダーキングに仕える黒魔術師だという噂もある。羊皮紙を手に入れたら、それを持ってここに戻ってきてください。ブルバムカ女王は満面の笑みを浮かべ、あなたに立ち去るよう合図をする...。


%t はここでは Queen
%rf はここでは Blubamka

You have recovered the parchment! I hope you put Golthog into an early grave as well. Still, I will complete my end of the bargain... %t %rf motions to a courtier who respectfully bows and brings forward a pen. Staring intently at the parchment, the %t takes a few moments and then inscribes the location of Fang Lair, somewhere in the province of Hammerfell, onto your map...&
羊皮紙を取り戻しましたね!ゴルソグを早死にさせることを願うよ ゴルソグを早死にさせることを願うよ。それでも、約束は果たそう......。 ブルバムカ女王は廷臣に合図を送る。ペンを差し出す。羊皮紙をじっと見つめ、女王は少し時間をおいてから 牙の隠れ家の場所を地図に書き込む。ハンマーフェル州のどこかにある。


%pcn がプレイヤー名に置き変わる。ここでは Player

It seems that you are well chosen, %pcf. I see that you have won the first piece of the Staff. That in and of itself is not a simple task. Tharn it seems, is not as concerned with you as I had thought he would be. Perhaps he thinks you dead or lost in the sewers from which you escaped. That i well, for I have discovered the second piece's location. There was once a great maze, built by the Archmagus Shalidor to guard what he called, Glamorill, the elven term for 'The Secret of Life'. I know not the location of the great maze, which was called the Labyrinthian, but somewhere in its twisted corridors lies the second piece of the Staff of Chaos. Shalidor, according to the old texts, made his home in the Fortress of Ice. He would not have built the Labyrinthian far from his home. I would search to the north for such a place. I wish you well on your journey...
よく選ばれたようだな、選手よ。杖の一枚目を獲得したようですね。それ自体は簡単なことではない。サーンは、私が思っていたほど君には関心がないようだ。恐らく彼は、あなたが死んだか、逃走した下水道で行方不明になったとでも思っているのでしょう。それはいいとして、私は2つ目のピースのありかを突き止めた。かつて大魔道士シャリドールが、エルフ語で "生命の秘密 "を意味する "グラモリル "と呼ばれるものを守るために作った大きな迷路があった。迷宮と呼ばれたその大迷宮の場所は知らないが、その曲がりくねった回廊のどこかに、混沌の杖の2つ目の欠片がある。古文書によれば、シャリドールは氷の要塞に居を構えていた。彼は自分の家から遠く離れた場所に迷宮館を建てたわけではないだろう。私ならそのような場所を北の方まで探すだろう。旅の無事を祈る...




I do not know who you are, but you have made a fatal mistake. Ria Silmane and her feeble powers are no protection for you. I should have discorporated her when I had the chance. I will not make the same mistake again. I will use the same dream bridge that she uses, sending my minions across time and space. Already they arrive, ones worthy of the attention you deserve. They will relieve you of the burden of the Staff piece you now hold. Give it to them and I will order your death painless and quick. Resist and I shall see you in such suffering that you will grovel for the sweet release of death...



You were a fool to confront me, and now have paid the ultimate price. Even now my servants go to fetch your mortal husk. You will serve me well through my years as Emperor, once I have made you undead. Perhaps I will even let you retain some of your memories, so that the price of your failure has meaning to you....