1 |
00000B24 |
ENV_DMG_Airborne_Parasitic_Hazard_Spell |
Parasitic Hazard |
寄生生物ハザード |
2 |
00000B7B |
TerrormorphENV_DMG_Airborne_ToxicGas_Hazard_Spell |
Toxic Gas Hazard |
有毒ガス危険物 |
3 |
00002359 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor_01 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor 01 |
艦船アビリティバフリアクター01 |
4 |
00002987 |
Legendary_Armor_Incendiary_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Incendiary_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Incendiary_HitSpell |
5 |
000048B4 |
AbRaceFXRobotModelT |
6 |
000070CB |
abCrew_Stealth_Concealment_02 |
Crew Stealth - Chameleon |
クルーのステルス - カメレオン |
7 |
00007358 |
abCrewAstrodynamics_04 |
8 |
000076D4 |
abPerkCrewShieldSystems_04 |
Crew Shield Systems |
クルーのシールドシステム |
9 |
000076F2 |
abStarshipEngineering_Crew_04 |
Starship Engineering: Crew 04 |
宇宙船工学:クルー04 |
10 |
00007709 |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine_02 |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine |
11 |
00007BE8 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Robotics_Diplomacy |
Pacify |
鎮圧 |
12 |
00009B24 |
abShipCommand01 |
Ship Command Ability |
船の指揮能力 |
13 |
00009B25 |
abShipCommand02 |
Ship Command Ability |
船の指揮能力 |
14 |
00009B28 |
abShipCommand03 |
Ship Command Ability |
船の指揮能力 |
15 |
00009B29 |
abShipCommand04 |
Ship Command Ability |
船の指揮能力 |
16 |
0000BF5D |
abWellnessFortifyHealth01 |
Wellness |
健康 |
17 |
0000CDFC |
LC088_AbFortifyHealth_Ikande |
18 |
0000CE02 |
LC165_AbReanimate |
Reanimate Ab |
蘇生Ab |
19 |
0000CF4D |
LC088_AbFortifyHealth_Toft |
20 |
0000D3F1 |
LC088_AbFortifyHealth_Delgado |
21 |
0001C06D |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffShields |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffShields |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffShields |
22 |
0001F721 |
PerkStunSpell_04 |
Stun |
スタン |
23 |
00021365 |
SpellSharpshooting04 |
Sharpshooting Rank 4 Spell |
狙撃ランク4の特殊効果 |
24 |
00023C62 |
FireHazardStrong_OBSOLETE |
Strong Fire Hazard |
業火の危険物 |
25 |
00024FBF |
WaterRadiationDrinking_OBSOLETE |
Cool, delicious, refreshing water |
冷たくておいしい、さわやかな水 |
26 |
000271B6 |
LC107_ENV_DMG_Airborne_ToxicGas_Hazard_Spell |
Toxic Gas Hazard |
有毒ガス危険物 |
27 |
00029285 |
CloakedTerrormorphVoidForm |
Void Form |
ヴォイドフォーム |
28 |
0002A6FB |
CritShipWeapon_Energy |
29 |
0002A6FD |
CritShipWeapon_Ballistic |
30 |
0002A704 |
CritShipWeapon_EM |
31 |
0002A858 |
CritShipWeapon_Starborn |
32 |
0002E551 |
ffStarbornDeath |
33 |
000367A8 |
AbStarbornScriptSpell |
34 |
00038359 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Asphyxiation |
Asphyxiation Debug |
窒息デバッグ |
35 |
0003859E |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Bleed |
Bleed Debug |
出血デバッグ |
36 |
000385A3 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Blisters |
Blisters Debug |
水膨れデバッグ |
37 |
000385A5 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Confusion |
Confusion Debug |
混乱デバッグ |
38 |
000385A6 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Cough |
Cough Debug |
咳デバッグ |
39 |
000385A7 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Cramping |
Cramping Debug |
痙攣デバッグ |
40 |
000385A8 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Crippled |
Crippled Debug |
重傷化デバッグ |
41 |
000385A9 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_DifficultyBreathing |
Difficulty Breathing Debug |
呼吸困難デバッグ |
42 |
000385AA |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Fever |
Fever Debug |
高熱デバッグ |
43 |
000385AB |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_IntensePain |
Intense Pain Debug |
激痛デバッグ |
44 |
000385AC |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_InternalBleeding |
Internal Bleeding Debug |
内出血デバッグ |
45 |
000385AD |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_JointPain |
Joint Pain Debug |
関節痛デバッグ |
46 |
000385AE |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Migraine |
Migraine Debug |
片頭痛デバッグ |
47 |
000385AF |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Nausea |
Nausea Debug |
吐き気デバッグ |
48 |
000385B0 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Pain |
Pain Debug |
痛みデバッグ |
49 |
000385B1 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Shock |
Shock Debug |
ショックデバッグ |
50 |
000385B2 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Soreness |
Soreness Debug |
ただれデバッグ |
51 |
000385B3 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Swelling |
Swelling Debug |
腫れデバッグ |
52 |
000385B4 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Unbalanced |
Unbalanced Debug |
錯乱状態デバッグ |
53 |
000385B5 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Debug_Weakness |
Weakness Debug |
弱点デバッグ |
54 |
00038E13 |
Gymnastics_Rank4_Mantling_Spell |
Gymnastics Rank4 Speed + 02 |
体操ランク4速度 + 02 |
55 |
0003905A |
MQ302B_Space_abModIncomingDamageFakeCombatAllyShip |
56 |
0003CC96 |
SpellScannerGuide |
Scanner Guide |
スキャナーガイド |
57 |
0003CD4A |
Gymnastics_Rank3_Spell |
Gymnastics O2 Replenish |
体操酸素補充 |
58 |
0003EBCF |
LC165_Scripted_VoidFormSpell |
Scripted Void Form Ab |
スクリプト化されたヴォイドフォームAb |
59 |
00040461 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Heat_Hazard_Lava_Spell |
Extreme Heat Hazard |
超高温ハザード |
60 |
0004046E |
ENV_DMG_Airborne_Microbial_Hazard_Spell |
Microbial Hazard |
微生物ハザード |
61 |
00040475 |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_CorrosiveLiquid_Hazard_Spell |
Corrosive Liquid Hazard |
腐食性の液体ハザード |
62 |
00040612 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Heat_Hazard_Flames_Spell |
Extreme Heat Hazard |
超高温ハザード |
63 |
0004329A |
ArtifactPowerCreateVacuum_Hazard_Spell |
Create Vacuum |
真空創成 |
64 |
000432A7 |
OE_KT_AbFortifyHealth_Marines |
65 |
0004AC2B |
Boostpack_Knockdown_Flame_Visual_Spell |
Boostpack Knockdown Visual Spell |
ブーストパックノックダウンのビジュアル特殊効果 |
66 |
0004C47E |
AbPerkLeadBelly |
Rad Resistance |
放射線耐性 |
67 |
0004CE4D |
SpaceStormBolt_DamageVariantHalf |
EM Surge |
EMサージ |
68 |
0004CE4E |
SpaceStormBolt_DamageVariant01 |
EM Surge |
EMサージ |
69 |
0004CE5D |
SpaceStormBolt_DamageVariant02 |
EM Surge |
EMサージ |
70 |
0004D2EF |
Debug_SpaceStormBolt_DamageVariantRatio |
EM Surge |
EMサージ |
71 |
000509C2 |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
72 |
00056E5C |
AbCCT_DamageMod |
AbCCT_DamageMod |
AbCCT_DamageMod |
73 |
00059AE7 |
AbPerkConcealment04 |
74 |
0005C528 |
WellRested |
Well Rested |
十分な休息 |
75 |
0005DD98 |
AbPerkAbsorbRadiation |
Absorb Radiation |
放射線吸収 |
76 |
000612EB |
Legendary_Armor_Disarm_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Disarm_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Disarm_HitSpell |
77 |
000612F4 |
Legendary_Armor_Stagger_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Stagger_HitSpell |
Legendary_Armor_Stagger_HitSpell |
78 |
00061D47 |
ENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_AbilityENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_Effect_TEMP_BUG_FIX |
ENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_AbilityENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_Effect_TEMP_BUG_FIX |
ENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_AbilityENV_BaseSoakBalanceAdjustment_Effect_TEMP_BUG_FIX |
79 |
00065FCB |
Trait_SerpentsEmbrace_Ability |
Serpent's Embrace |
サーペントの抱擁 |
80 |
00065FCC |
Trait_SerpentsEmbrace_Buff |
Serpent's Embrace |
サーペントの抱擁 |
81 |
00066271 |
ENV_SuppressSoak_ExtremeEnvironment_Toxic_Ability |
Toxic Environment |
有毒性環境 |
82 |
000714FB |
TRP_ElectricalArc_Spell |
Electrical Shock |
電気ショック |
83 |
00074C3B |
ENV_DMG_SuitIntegrityFailure_WatchWarningSpam |
Suit Integrity Failure |
宇宙服の強度低下 |
84 |
0007AA2C |
Targeting_Rank4_Spell |
Targeting Rank 4 Spell |
照準ランク4の特殊効果 |
85 |
0007AA2E |
Targeting_Rank3_Spell |
Targeting Rank 3 Spell |
照準ランク3の特殊効果 |
86 |
0007AA30 |
Targeting_Rank2_Spell |
Targeting Rank 2 Spell |
照準ランク2の特殊効果 |
87 |
0007AA32 |
Targeting_Rank1_Spell |
Targeting Rank 1 Spell |
照準ランク1の特殊効果 |
88 |
0007B353 |
Dueling_MoveSpeed_Spell |
Dueling Attack Speed |
決闘攻撃による速度アップ |
89 |
00080FCC |
LC165_Starborn_AdversaryPerkSpell |
Adversary Perk Spell |
敵のPERKの特殊効果 |
90 |
00083A95 |
CCT_Enviro_Signal_Ability |
Signal Ability |
信号能力 |
91 |
0008646A |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth_Rank1 |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
92 |
0008AE0D |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Dispel |
93 |
0008CB48 |
ENV_SuppressSoak_ExtremeEnvironment_Heat_Ability |
Extreme Ambient Heat |
極限の高温環境 |
94 |
0008CB4D |
ENV_SuppressSoak_ExtremeEnvironment_Cold_Ability |
Extreme Ambient Cold |
極限の低温環境 |
95 |
0008CB51 |
ENV_SuppressSoak_ExtremeEnvironment_Corrosive_Ability |
Corrosive Environment |
腐食性環境 |
96 |
000913C4 |
CritShipWeapon_Particle |
97 |
000941F7 |
DetectLifeSpell |
DetectLifeSpell |
DetectLifeSpell |
98 |
0009449A |
UC06_OrlaseLeveledHealthBoost |
Wellness |
健康 |
99 |
000968CA |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Xeno_Diplomacy |
Pacify |
鎮圧 |
100 |
000968CB |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Xeno_Instigation |
Frenzy |
凶暴化 |
101 |
000968CC |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Xeno_Intimidation |
Flee |
逃走 |
102 |
000968CD |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Xeno_Manipulation |
Control |
制御 |
103 |
0009EA95 |
LC088_ENV_DMG_Radiation_Reactor_Hazard_Spell |
Radiation Hazard |
放射性危険物 |
104 |
0009F18D |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Corrosive_Spell_Effects |
105 |
0009F18E |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_AddTempPerk |
106 |
0009F18F |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Dispel |
107 |
0009F190 |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Incendiary_Spell_Effects |
108 |
0009F197 |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_AddTempPerk |
109 |
0009F198 |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Dispel |
110 |
0009F19B |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Poison_Spell_Effects |
111 |
0009F19F |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Dispel |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Dispel |
112 |
0009F1A5 |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Effects |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_Effects |
113 |
000A9003 |
SpellTargeting04 |
Targeting Rank 4 Spell |
照準ランク4の特殊効果 |
114 |
000B0739 |
abBallisticWeaponSystems |
Ballistic Weapon Systems |
バリスティック兵器システム |
115 |
000B0885 |
abBoostAssaultSlowTime |
Boost Assault Slow Time |
ブーストアサルトスロー時間 |
116 |
000BDD74 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Robotics_Instigation |
Frenzy |
凶暴化 |
117 |
000BDD75 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Robotics_Intimidation |
Flee |
逃走 |
118 |
000CA984 |
ENV_Audio_SealedEnvironmentToggle |
Spell that toggles effects with script hooks for audio to play muffled sounds when not in sealed loc |
封鎖された場所にいない場合に、音声がくぐもった音を再生するスクリプトフックを持った効果を切り替える特殊効果 |
119 |
000D16F0 |
Crit_FireWeapDissolveSpell |
120 |
000DA29F |
AbMQ101ModIncomingDamageFromMiners |
121 |
000DAE38 |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss_Minor |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss |
122 |
000DD789 |
abCellularRegeneration01 |
Cellular Regeneration 01 |
細胞再生01 |
123 |
000DD78A |
abCellularRegeneration02 |
Cellular Regeneration 02 |
細胞再生02 |
124 |
000DD78B |
abCellularRegeneration03 |
Cellular Regeneration 03 |
細胞再生03 |
125 |
000DD78C |
abCellularRegeneration04 |
Cellular Regeneration 04 |
細胞再生04 |
126 |
000DD78D |
abDecontamination01 |
Decontamination 01 |
除染01 |
127 |
000DD78F |
abDecontamination02 |
Decontamination 02 |
除染02 |
128 |
000DD790 |
abDecontamination03 |
Decontamination 03 |
除染03 |
129 |
000DD791 |
abDecontamination04 |
Decontamination 04 |
除染04 |
130 |
000E36FB |
AbPerkAquaboy |
Waterbreathing |
水中呼吸 |
131 |
000EE919 |
CCT_abPlaceCorpseFurniture |
CCT_abPlaceCorpseFurniture |
CCT_abPlaceCorpseFurniture |
132 |
000F3C1D |
COM_EmotionalSecurityPerkSpell |
Emotional Security |
心の安定 |
133 |
000F5981 |
CrTerrormorphCystAttack |
Terrormorph Cyst Attack |
テラーモーフ胞子攻撃 |
134 |
000F6EF9 |
AbMQInvisible |
Void Form |
ヴォイドフォーム |
135 |
000FE096 |
LC165_Starborn_Bridge_ScriptedParallelSelfInitialSpell |
Scripted Spell |
スクリプト化された特殊効果 |
136 |
000FE269 |
AbilityDamageHealthSlow |
Damage Health Slow |
体力ダメージスロー |
137 |
00101DF5 |
abPerkCrewShieldSystems_02 |
Crew Shield Systems |
クルーのシールドシステム |
138 |
00101DF9 |
abPerkCrewShieldSystems_03 |
Crew Shield Systems |
クルーのシールドシステム |
139 |
0010C4C0 |
CommandedActorAbility |
CommandedActorAbility |
CommandedActorAbility |
140 |
0010FC07 |
AbPerkHeavyWeapons04 |
141 |
00113791 |
AIPower_ParallelSelf_Hunter |
Parallel Self |
並行世界の自分 |
142 |
00113D60 |
abAIPower_MoonForm_Hunter |
143 |
00115996 |
DamageShipShieldsandHullSpell |
Damage Health |
耐久力ダメージ |
144 |
00120339 |
LC165_Starborn_Ruins_DemonPerkAbility |
Shadow Demon Perk |
Shadow Demon Perk |
145 |
00120A3F |
LC165_PlayerAndAlliesPerkSpell |
Player and Allies Perk Spell |
プレイヤーと味方のPERKの特殊効果 |
146 |
00120A55 |
CCT_abStayInBleedout |
CCT_abStayInBleedout |
CCT_abStayInBleedout |
147 |
00123513 |
LC165_Starborn_Adversary_ScriptedInnerDemonSpell |
Scripted Spell |
スクリプト化された特殊効果 |
148 |
00123517 |
LC165_Starborn_Fire_ScriptedSupernovaSpell |
Scripted Spell |
スクリプト化された特殊効果 |
149 |
00123C01 |
abTargetingControlSystems_TargetLockTime_01 |
Target Lock Time 01 |
ターゲットロックオン時間01 |
150 |
00124F42 |
Legendary_Wep_TeslaPylons_Spell |
Tesla Pylons |
テスラパイロン |
151 |
00126017 |
abRejuvenation01 |
152 |
00126019 |
abRejuvenation02 |
153 |
0012601A |
abRejuvenation03 |
154 |
0012601B |
abRejuvenation04 |
155 |
00127561 |
RapidReloading04_Spell |
Rapid Reloading |
高速リロード |
156 |
00128030 |
LC165_Starborn_Ice_ScriptedGravityWellSpell |
Scripted Spell |
スクリプト化された特殊効果 |
157 |
001283DB |
ENV_AFFL_AddHitSpellPerk_Creatures_Ability |
Add Hit Spell Perk |
ヒット特殊効果PERKを追加 |
158 |
001287BC |
abLeadership_02 |
Leadership 02 |
リーダーシップ02 |
159 |
00129572 |
AIPower_Reanimation |
Alien Reanimation |
異星生物蘇生 |
160 |
0012AE0D |
abCrewLeadership |
Crew Leadership Ability |
クルーのリーダーシップ能力 |
161 |
00138560 |
FortifyQuantumEssenceSpell |
Fortify Quantum Essence Spell |
量子エッセンス強化の特殊効果 |
162 |
0013DEAB |
Lasers_Rank4 |
Lasers Rank 4 |
レーザーランク4 |
163 |
0013DFB4 |
LC088_Space_abModIncomingDamageFakeCombatAllyShip |
164 |
0013DFB5 |
LC088_Space_abModIncomingDamageFakeCombatEnemyShip |
165 |
0013E4FA |
LC165_Starborn_Bridge_ScriptedParallelSelfSpell |
Scripted Spell |
スクリプト化された特殊効果 |
166 |
00142ACC |
Crit_AcidWeapDissolveSpell |
167 |
001447B9 |
QuantumEssenceSpell |
Quantum Essence |
量子エッセンス |
168 |
00146685 |
Trait_EmpathDebuff |
Empath |
共感 |
169 |
00146686 |
Trait_EmpathBuff |
Empath |
共感 |
170 |
00146CCA |
PerkStunSpell_01 |
Stun |
Stun |
171 |
00147BE8 |
Scanning_TargetLock_WeaponSpeed |
Scanning Weapon Speed |
スキャン中武器速度 |
172 |
00147E27 |
Trait_Extrovert_Ability |
Extrovert |
外向的 |
173 |
00147E29 |
Trait_Introvert_Ability |
Introvert |
内向的 |
174 |
00147E41 |
DamageShipWeaponsSpell |
Damage Weapons |
武器にダメージを与える |
175 |
0014A87F |
Trait_TerraFirma_Ability |
Terra Firma |
安全な大地 |
176 |
0014A884 |
Trait_Spaced_Ability |
Spaced |
呆然 |
177 |
00152D07 |
EMWeaponSystems_Spell |
EM Weapon Systems |
EM兵器システム |
178 |
00153BA0 |
AbStarbornShipCloaking |
StarbornShipCloaking |
スターボーン船クローキング |
179 |
0015C59B |
abTargetingControlSystems |
Targeting Control Systems |
照準制御システム |
180 |
001639D4 |
MQ207C_ArtifactExperimentBeamHazardSpell |
Accelerator Beam |
加速器のビーム |
181 |
001639E0 |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Rain_Microbial__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Microbial Rain |
微生物の雨 |
182 |
001639EB |
ENV_Weather_Rain_Freezing |
Freezing Rain |
凍える雨 |
183 |
001639EE |
ENV_Weather_Warning_Airborne |
Incoming Weather |
予想される天候 |
184 |
001639F1 |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Rain_Psychoactive__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Psychoactive Rain |
精神活性の雨 |
185 |
001639F8 |
ENV_Weather_Vapor_Corrosive |
Corrosive Vapor |
腐食性の蒸気 |
186 |
001639F9 |
ENV_Weather_Vapor_Freezing |
Freezing Vapor |
凍った蒸気 |
187 |
001639FC |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Vapor_Microbial__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Microbial Vapor |
微生物の蒸気 |
188 |
001639FE |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Vapor_Psychoactive__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Psychoactive Vapor |
精神活性の蒸気 |
189 |
00163A00 |
ENV_Weather_Vapor_Scalding |
Scalding Vapor |
高温の蒸気 |
190 |
00163A02 |
ENV_Weather_Snow_ExtremeCold |
Freezing Cold and Snow |
極寒と雪 |
191 |
00163A03 |
ENV_Weather_Sandstorm_ExtremeHeat |
Intense Heat |
極暑 |
192 |
00163A05 |
ENV_Weather_Particulates_Corrosive |
Corrosive Particulates |
腐食性の微粒子 |
193 |
00163A06 |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Particulates_Psychoactive__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Psychoactive Particulates |
精神活性の微粒子 |
194 |
00163FDA |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Atmosphere_Radioactive__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Radioactive Atmosphere |
放射能大気 |
195 |
00163FE0 |
ENV_Weather_Warning_Radiation |
Incoming Weather |
予想される天候 |
196 |
00163FE7 |
ENV_Weather_AirQuality_Poor |
Poor Air Quality |
劣悪な空気質 |
197 |
00163FE9 |
zzz_ENV_Weather_Radiation_StrongSubharmonics__TraitBased_DoNotUse |
Strong Subharmonics |
強力な低調波 |
198 |
001665A7 |
ENV_SuppressSoak_ExtremeEnvironment_Radiation_Solar_Ability |
Extreme Solar Radiation |
極度の太陽放射 |
199 |
00166DD6 |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_CorrosiveLiquid_WaterContact_Spell_OBSOLETE |
Corrosive Liquid |
腐食性の液体 |
200 |
00168659 |
abBoxing_Sprint_04 |
Boxing Sprint O2 Reduction |
戦闘中のダッシュ時の酸素消費量減少 |
201 |
0016865C |
abBoxing_Sprint_03 |
Boxing Sprint O2 Reduction |
戦闘中のダッシュ時の酸素消費量減少 |
202 |
0016866A |
Boxing_Knockdown_Spell |
Boxing Knockdown Spell |
ボクシングのノックダウンの特殊効果 |
203 |
00169209 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Spitter_P |
Spitter |
スピッター |
204 |
0016920A |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Stagger_P |
Staggering Attacks |
よろめき攻撃 |
205 |
0016920B |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Slow_P |
Slow Attacks |
遅い攻撃 |
206 |
0016920E |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Slinger_Glue_P |
Slinger Glue |
スリンガー・グルー |
207 |
0016920F |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Slinger_P |
Slinger |
スリンガー |
208 |
00169210 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Poison_P |
Poison Attacks |
毒攻撃 |
209 |
00169211 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Oxygen_P |
Oxygen Attacks |
酸素攻撃 |
210 |
00169213 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Freezing_P |
Freezing Attacks |
凍結攻撃 |
211 |
00169214 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Fast_P |
Fast Attacks |
素早い攻撃 |
212 |
00169215 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Burning_P |
Burning Attacks |
燃焼攻撃 |
213 |
001694F1 |
CCT_Scan_Attack_AntiArmor_P |
Increased Armor Penetration |
アーマー貫通力が上昇する |
214 |
0016951B |
CCT_Scan_Attack_Bleed_P |
Bleed Attacks |
出血攻撃 |
215 |
0016A9FD |
CF05_abComSpike |
ComSpike |
コムスパイク |
216 |
0016A9FF |
CF06_abConductionGrid |
Conduction Grid |
コンダクショングリッド |
217 |
0016B564 |
abPersonalAtmosphere |
ab Personal Atmosphere |
パーソナルエアー |
218 |
001739CF |
abPerkCrewShieldSystems_01 |
Crew Shield Systems |
クルーのシールドシステム |
219 |
001880E6 |
SQ_Doctors_CureAll |
Cure All Afflictions |
すべての身体の異常を治癒する |
220 |
0018ABFC |
LC165_Scripted_VoidFormAb |
Scripted Void Form Ab |
スクリプト化されたヴォイドフォームAb |
221 |
0018B81F |
ffStarbornTeleport |
222 |
00198BB6 |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffReactor |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffReactor |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffReactor |
223 |
0019AFE5 |
AbPerkConcealment03 |
224 |
0019B896 |
AbPerkGymnastics4 |
225 |
001A7F89 |
CCT_Scan_BlastResistant_P |
Reflective |
反射的 |
226 |
001A7F94 |
CCT_Scan_Kinetic_Resistant_P |
Kinetic Resistance |
動力耐性 |
227 |
001A7F95 |
CCT_Scan_Energy_Resistant_P |
Energy Resistance |
エネルギー耐性 |
228 |
001A7F96 |
CCT_Scan_Kinetic_Vulnerable_P |
Kinetic Vulnerability |
動力弱点 |
229 |
001A7F97 |
CCT_Scan_Energy_Vulnerable_P |
Energy Vulnerability |
エネルギー弱点 |
230 |
001A7F98 |
CCT_Scan_EM_Vulnerable_P |
EM Vulnerability |
EM弱点 |
231 |
001A7F99 |
CCT_Scan_EM_Resistant_P |
EM Resistance |
EM耐性 |
232 |
001A9C71 |
MQ204HunterInvisibility |
Invisibility |
透明化 |
233 |
001B1C3F |
abMartialArts_ReflectDamage |
abMartialArts Reflect Damage |
ab武術ダメージ反射 |
234 |
001BBA98 |
abStarshipEngineering_Crew_01 |
Starship Engineering: Crew 01 |
宇宙船工学:クルー01 |
235 |
001BBA99 |
abStarshipEngineering_Crew_02 |
Starship Engineering: Crew 02 |
宇宙船工学:クルー02 |
236 |
001BBA9A |
abStarshipEngineering_Crew_03 |
Starship Engineering: Crew 03 |
宇宙船工学:クルー03 |
237 |
001BBAB1 |
ENV_PlayerOxygenAdjustment_Ability_BackupCopyDeleteMe |
Oxygen Adjustment |
酸素調節 |
238 |
001BBAB2 |
ENV_DMG_SuitIntegrityFailure_Ability_BackupCopyDeleteMe |
Suit Integrity Failure |
宇宙服の強度低下 |
239 |
001BEACA |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Robotics_Manipulation |
Control |
制御 |
240 |
001BF1C7 |
abTerrormorphMindControlFortifyHealth01 |
Mind Control: Fortify Health |
マインドコントロール:体力強化 |
241 |
001C93E2 |
CCT_Scan_Combat_Healthy_P |
Healthy |
健康 |
242 |
001C9A6A |
CureAddictions |
Cure Addictions |
中毒回復 |
243 |
001CC009 |
EnvironmentalConditioning_Spell_Rank1 |
Env Conditioning |
環境適応 |
244 |
001D33D6 |
PerkMartialArts02 |
Disarm |
Disarm |
245 |
001D5CF5 |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_Heat |
Scaling Liquid |
落屑用の液体 |
246 |
001D5CF6 |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_Corrosive |
Corrosive Liquid |
腐食性の液体 |
247 |
001D5CF7 |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_Cold |
Cryogenic Liquid |
冷却液 |
248 |
001D5CF8 |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_Radioactive |
Radioactive Liquid |
放射性の液体 |
249 |
001D5D55 |
WeaponEffect_EMShock_Spell |
EM Shock Spell |
EMショックの特殊効果 |
250 |
001DC462 |
CCT_abAcidBlood |
CCT_abAcidBlood |
CCT_abAcidBlood |
251 |
001DC467 |
CCT_HitSpell_BigStagger |
CCT_HitSpell_BigStagger |
CCT_HitSpell_BigStagger |
252 |
001DC479 |
CCT_HitSpell_Slowed |
Creature Glue Attack |
クリーチャーのグルー攻撃 |
253 |
001E1171 |
Dueling_RestoreHealth_Spell |
Dueling |
決闘 |
254 |
001E2C17 |
EnvironmentalConditioning_Spell_Rank2 |
Env Conditioning |
環境適応 |
255 |
001E2C18 |
EnvironmentalConditioning_Spell_Rank3 |
Env Conditioning |
環境適応 |
256 |
001E2C19 |
EnvironmentalConditioning_Spell_Rank4 |
Env Conditioning |
環境適応 |
257 |
001E325A |
PerkSneakInvisibility |
Invisibility |
Invisibility |
258 |
001E715D |
CCT_SpecialPower_Lantern |
Lantern |
ランタン |
259 |
001E9B84 |
TRP_ElectricityArc_Spell |
Electricity Arc Trap |
放電トラップ |
260 |
001E9BD5 |
CCT_SpecialPower_Ghost |
Ghost |
ゴースト |
261 |
001E9BD6 |
CCT_SpecialPower_Mimic |
Mimic |
ミミック |
262 |
001EBABF |
abModScopedMoveSpeed |
Scoped Movement Decrease |
スコープ状態移動低下 |
263 |
001F764F |
Water (OBSOLETE) |
水(廃止) |
264 |
001FAC9F |
SpaceDistortionCloudHazardSpell |
Distortion Field |
ひずみ地帯 |
265 |
001FACDD |
SpaceStormCloudHazardSpell |
EM Field |
EM地帯 |
266 |
001FAD58 |
SpaceStormBolt |
EM Surge |
EMサージ |
267 |
00200B22 |
CCT_HitSpell_Burn |
CCT_HitSpell_Burn |
CCT_HitSpell_Burn |
268 |
00207F18 |
DamageShipShieldsSpell |
Damage Health |
耐久力ダメージ |
269 |
002080EF |
DamageShipHullSpell |
Damage Health |
耐久力ダメージ |
270 |
0020E2DE |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Crippled_Reminder |
Crippled |
重傷化 |
271 |
0020FD06 |
ArtifactPowerParallelSelf_DummySpell |
Parallel Self Dummy Spell |
並行世界の自分ダミーの特殊効果 |
272 |
0020FD08 |
ArtifactPowerInnerDemon_DummySpell |
Inner Demon Dummy Effect |
内なる悪魔ダミー効果 |
273 |
00210438 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor_02 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor 02 |
艦船アビリティバフリアクター02 |
274 |
00210439 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor_03 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor 03 |
艦船アビリティバフリアクター03 |
275 |
0021043A |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor_04 |
ShipAbilityBuffReactor 04 |
艦船アビリティバフリアクター04 |
276 |
0021B8D6 |
Crew_HealthIncrease03 |
277 |
0021B8D7 |
Crew_HealthIncrease02 |
278 |
0021B8D8 |
Crew_HealthIncrease01 |
279 |
0021BB13 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Cold_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Extreme Cold |
超低温 |
280 |
0021BBD0 |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_RadioactiveGas_Hazard_Spell |
Radioactive Gas Hazard |
放射性ガス危険物 |
281 |
0021BBEA |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_CorrosiveGas_Hazard_Spell |
Corrosive Gas Hazard |
腐食ガス危険物 |
282 |
0021C44E |
GEN_PointGravity_LG |
Point Gravity Source Large |
重力源ポイント(大) |
283 |
0021C90D |
LC088_DefensiveBatteryFireProjectileSpell |
284 |
0021E67D |
LC088_DefensiveBatteryRegenSpell |
285 |
002218DD |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Cold_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Extreme Cold |
超低温 |
286 |
002218E1 |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Radiation |
放射能 |
287 |
002218E2 |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Radiation |
放射能 |
288 |
002218E6 |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Corrosive Substance |
腐食性の物質 |
289 |
002218E7 |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Corrosive Substance |
腐食性の物質 |
290 |
002218E9 |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_Electricity_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Electrical Shock |
電気ショック |
291 |
002218EA |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_Electricity_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Electrical Shock |
電気ショック |
292 |
002218ED |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_ToxicSubstance_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Toxic Substance |
毒性の物質 |
293 |
002218EF |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_ToxicSubstance_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Toxic Substance |
毒性の物質 |
294 |
00222E72 |
ReconMod_Spell |
Recon Targeting Mod Spell |
偵察ターゲティングモジュールの特殊効果 |
295 |
002268D1 |
abPerkShieldSystems02 |
Shield Systems |
シールドシステム |
296 |
00226A11 |
abPerkShieldSystems03 |
Shield Systems |
シールドシステム |
297 |
00226A12 |
abPerkShieldSystems04 |
Shield Systems |
シールドシステム |
298 |
00226A2A |
CCT_Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Poisoning |
Poisoning Chance for Creatures |
クリーチャーの攻撃による中毒の発生率 |
299 |
00226A2B |
CCT_Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Burns |
Burns Chance for Creatures |
クリーチャーの攻撃による火傷の発生率 |
300 |
00226A2C |
CCT_Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Frostbite |
Frostbite Chance for Creatures |
クリーチャーの攻撃による凍傷の発生率 |
301 |
00228EA1 |
abWellnessFortifyHealth02 |
Wellness |
健康 |
302 |
00228EA2 |
abWellnessFortifyHealth03 |
Wellness |
健康 |
303 |
00228EA3 |
abWellnessFortifyHealth04 |
Wellness |
健康 |
304 |
002339B2 |
Boostpack_Knockdown_Spell |
Boostpack Knockdown |
ブーストパックノックダウン |
305 |
00233C0C |
CCT_Enviro_Gassy_Ability |
Gassy Ability |
ガス能力 |
306 |
0023759C |
abPerkShieldSystems01 |
Shield Systems |
シールドシステム |
307 |
0023AF02 |
AIPower_VoidForm |
Void Form |
ヴォイドフォーム |
308 |
0023AF03 |
AIPower_Supernova |
Supernova |
スーパーノバ |
309 |
0023AF04 |
AIPower_SunlessSpace |
Sunless Space |
陽なき宇宙 |
310 |
0023AF05 |
AIPower_SolarFlare |
Solar Flare |
ソーラーフレア |
311 |
0023AF06 |
AIPower_ReactiveShield |
Reactive Shield |
反応性シールド |
312 |
0023AF07 |
AIPower_ParticleBeam |
Particle Beam |
粒子ビーム |
313 |
0023AF08 |
AIPower_ParallelSelf |
Parallel Self |
並行世界の自分 |
314 |
0023AF09 |
AIPower_MoonForm |
Moon Form |
ムーンフォルム |
315 |
0023AF0A |
AIPower_LifeForced |
Life Forced |
命の力 |
316 |
0023AF0B |
AIPower_InnerDemon |
Inner Demon |
内なる悪魔 |
317 |
0023AF0C |
AIPower_GravWave |
Gravity Wave |
グラヴウェーブ |
318 |
0023AF0D |
AIPower_GravDash |
Grav Dash |
グラヴダッシュ |
319 |
0023AF0E |
AIPower_CreatorsPeace |
Creators' Peace |
創造者の平和 |
320 |
0023AF0F |
AIPower_CreateVacuum |
Create Vacuum |
真空創成 |
321 |
0023AF10 |
AIPower_AlienReanim |
Alien Reanimation |
異星生物蘇生 |
322 |
0023B921 |
abCrew_Stealth_Concealment_01 |
Crew Stealth - Chameleon |
クルーのステルス - カメレオン |
323 |
0023B924 |
Trait_AlienDNA_Ability |
Alien DNA |
異星生物のDNA |
324 |
0023BE19 |
ENV_DMG_SuitIntegrityFailure_Ability |
Suit Integrity Failure |
宇宙服の強度低下 |
325 |
0023C7C8 |
ENV_RestoreDamage_Ability |
Restore Environmental Damage |
環境ダメージを復旧 |
326 |
0023DDFC |
ENV_PlayerOxygenAdjustment_Ability |
Oxygen Adjustment |
酸素調節 |
327 |
0023F94C |
CrTerrormorphMindControlPlayer |
Mind Control |
マインドコントロール |
328 |
0024021D |
CCT_Scan_Thorned_P |
Thorned |
苦痛の種 |
329 |
0024301B |
DamageDamageResistanceSpell |
Damage Damage Resistance |
ダメージ耐性ダメージ |
330 |
00245B6B |
ENV_DMG_Airborne_ToxicGas_Hazard_Spell |
Toxic Gas Hazard |
有毒ガス危険物 |
331 |
0024685C |
Gymnastics_Rank4_Sliding_Spell |
Gymnastics Rank4 Speed + 02 |
体操ランク4速度 + 02 |
332 |
00248D1F |
ENV_RestoreSoak_Ability |
Protection Regenerating |
防御効果回復中 |
333 |
00248D2B |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Heat_Hazard_Spell |
Extreme Heat Hazard |
超高温ハザード |
334 |
0024B880 |
abFitness_Oxygen_01 |
Fitness Oxygen Bonus |
フィットネスの酸素ボーナス |
335 |
0024B881 |
abFitness_Oxygen_02 |
Fitness Oxygen Bonus |
フィットネスの酸素ボーナス |
336 |
0024B882 |
abFitness_Oxygen_03 |
Fitness Oxygen Bonus |
フィットネスの酸素ボーナス |
337 |
0024B883 |
abFitness_Oxygen_04 |
Fitness Oxygen Bonus |
フィットネスの酸素ボーナス |
338 |
0024B8A3 |
CCT_Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Lacerations |
Lacerations Chance for Creatures with Bleed Mod |
出血モジュールのクリーチャーによる裂傷の発生率 |
339 |
0024EF1F |
Crit_LaserWeapDisintegrateSpell |
340 |
002512CD |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_Microbial |
Microbial Contamination |
微生物の汚染 |
341 |
00255C9E |
CCT_abReflectDamage |
CCT_abReflectDamage |
CCT_abReflectDamage |
342 |
00255C9F |
CCT_HitSpell_Oxygen |
O2 Damage from Creature Attack |
生物の攻撃による酸素ダメージ |
343 |
00255CA0 |
CCT_abRegenHealthSlow |
CCT_abRegenHealthSlow |
CCT_abRegenHealthSlow |
344 |
00255CA1 |
CCT_abRegenHealthFast |
CCT_abRegenHealthFast |
CCT_abRegenHealthFast |
345 |
00255CA2 |
CCT_HitSpell_Stagger |
CCT_HitSpell_Stagger |
CCT_HitSpell_Stagger |
346 |
00255D8F |
CCT_HitSpell_Poison |
CCT_HitSpell_Poison |
CCT_HitSpell_Poison |
347 |
00257C41 |
ArtifactPowerCreatorsPeace_Disarm |
Creators' Peace Disarm |
創造者の平和を解除する |
348 |
00259F1E |
ENV_DMG_Water_Ability_HeavyMetal |
Toxic Metals |
有毒金属 |
349 |
0025E14D |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Void_Form |
Grant Power: Void Form |
パワー付与:ヴォイドフォーム |
350 |
0025E14E |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Super_nova |
Grant Power: Supernova |
パワー付与:スーパーノバ |
351 |
0025E14F |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Sunless_Space |
Grant Power: Sunless Space |
パワー付与:陽なき宇宙 |
352 |
0025E150 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Solar_Flare |
Grant Power: Solar Flare |
パワー付与:ソーラーフレア |
353 |
0025E151 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Sense_Star_Stuff |
Grant Power: Sense Star Stuff |
パワー付与:星要素感知 |
354 |
0025E152 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Reactive_Shield |
Grant Power: Reactive Shield |
パワー付与:反応性シールド |
355 |
0025E153 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Precognition |
Grant Power: Precognition |
パワー付与:予知 |
356 |
0025E154 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Phased_Time |
Grant Power: Phased Time |
パワー付与:フェーズタイム |
357 |
0025E155 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Personal_Atmosphere |
Grant Power: Personal Atmosphere |
パワー付与:パーソナルエアー |
358 |
0025E156 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Particle_Beam |
Grant Power: Particle Beam |
パワー付与:粒子ビーム |
359 |
0025E157 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Parallel_Self |
Grant Power: Parallel Self |
パワー付与:並行世界の自分 |
360 |
0025E158 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Moon_Form |
Grant Power: Moonform |
パワー付与:ムーンフォルム |
361 |
0025E159 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Life_Forced |
Grant Power: Life Forced |
パワー付与:命の力 |
362 |
0025E15A |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Inner_Demon |
Grant Power: Inner Demon |
パワー付与:内なる悪魔 |
363 |
0025E15B |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Grav_Well |
Grant Power: Grav Well |
パワー付与:グラヴウェル |
364 |
0025E15C |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Grav_Wave |
Grant Power: Grav Wave |
パワー付与:グラヴウェーブ |
365 |
0025E15D |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Grav_Dash |
Grant Power: Grav Dash |
パワー付与:グラヴダッシュ |
366 |
0025E15E |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Eternal_Harvest |
Grant Power: Eternal Harvest |
パワー付与:永久の収穫 |
367 |
0025E15F |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Elemental_Blast |
Grant Power: Elemental Pull |
パワー付与:元素の引き寄せ |
368 |
0025E160 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Earth_bound |
Grant Power: Earthbound |
パワー付与:アースバウンド |
369 |
0025E161 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Creators_Peace |
Grant Power: Creators' Peace |
パワー付与:創造者の平和 |
370 |
0025E162 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Create_Vacuum |
Grant Power: Create Vacuum |
パワー付与:真空創成 |
371 |
0025E163 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Anti-Gravity_Field |
Grant Power: Anti-Gravity Field |
パワー付与:反重力場 |
372 |
0025E164 |
ArtifactPower_GrantSpell_Alien_Reanimation |
Grant Power: Alien Reanimation |
パワー付与:異星生物蘇生 |
373 |
002638B1 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Manipulation |
Manipulation |
マインドコントロール |
374 |
002638B2 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Intimidation |
Intimidation |
威嚇 |
375 |
002638B3 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Instigation |
Instigation |
扇動 |
376 |
002638B4 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_Diplomacy |
Diplomacy |
外交 |
377 |
00268D35 |
Addiction_Stimulants |
Stimulants Addiction |
興奮剤中毒 |
378 |
0026C228 |
Debug_LC088_Vigilance_CaptainBuffPerkAbility |
TEST LC088 Buff |
LC088バフ(テスト) |
379 |
00277AC1 |
abComSpike_TargetLockTime |
ComSpike Target Lock Time |
コムスパイクのターゲットロックオン時間 |
380 |
00277B96 |
abConductionGrid_RegenRate |
Conduction Grid Regen Rate |
コンダクショングリッドの自動回復率 |
381 |
0027DF92 |
PerkSharpshooter |
Disarm |
Disarm |
382 |
0027FAC7 |
CCT_Spell_ExplodeOnDeath |
Explode on Death Spell |
死の爆発の特殊効果 |
383 |
00281ECB |
ENV_Weather_Rain_Corrosive |
Corrosive Rain |
腐食性の雨 |
384 |
00281ECD |
ENV_Weather_Rain_Scalding |
Scalding Rain |
高温の雨 |
385 |
00281ECF |
ENV_Weather_Warning_Corrosive |
Incoming Weather |
予想される天候 |
386 |
00281ED2 |
ENV_Weather_Warning_Thermal |
Incoming Weather |
予想される天候 |
387 |
00285E40 |
abCrewAstrodynamics_01 |
388 |
00285E42 |
abCrewAstrodynamics_02 |
389 |
00285E43 |
abCrewAstrodynamics_03 |
390 |
0028B1EC |
Crew_Weightlifting_Rank02 |
Crew Weightlifting Rank 2 spell |
クルーの重量挙げランク2の特殊効果 |
391 |
0028B1ED |
Crew_Weightlifting_Rank01 |
Crew Weightlifting Rank 1 spell |
クルーの重量挙げランク1の特殊効果 |
392 |
0028B1EE |
Crew_Weightlifting_Rank03 |
Crew Weightlifting Rank 3 spell |
クルーの重量挙げランク3の特殊効果 |
393 |
00298B28 |
abAddPerkFollowerStealth |
Follower Stealth |
仲間のステルス |
394 |
0029AAE9 |
DamageHealthSpell |
Damage Health |
体力ダメージ |
395 |
002A4861 |
Gymnastics_ZeroG_Speed_Spell |
Gymnastics Zero-G Speed |
体操無重力スピード |
396 |
002B4108 |
PerkNervePunch |
Nerve Punch |
Nerve Punch |
397 |
002BACB4 |
ArtifactPowerEternalHarvest_Spell |
Eternal Harvest |
永久の収穫 |
398 |
002BACB5 |
ArtifactPowerEarthbound_Spell |
Earthbound |
アースバウンド |
399 |
002BACB6 |
ArtifactPowerReactiveShield_Spell |
Reactive Shield |
反応性シールド |
400 |
002BACB7 |
ArtifactPowerGravWell_Spell |
Gravity Well |
グラヴウェル |
401 |
002BACBA |
ArtifactPowerAntiGravityField_Spell |
Anti-Gravity Field |
反重力場 |
402 |
002BCFEC |
ENV_SystemAlert_EffectDescriptions_OBSOLETE |
System Alert |
システム警報 |
403 |
002BCFFB |
Leadership_EmergencyAid_Spell |
Leadership Emergency Aid |
リーダーシップ緊急キット |
404 |
002BD9BB |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_PunctureWounds_3 |
Puncture Wounds (Severe) |
刺傷(重症) |
405 |
002BDCC6 |
ENV_AFFL_Afflictions_Ability |
Afflictions (Hidden From Player) |
身体の異常(プレイヤーには不可視) |
406 |
002BDCE4 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_LungDamage_3 |
Lung Damage (Severe) |
肺障害(重症) |
407 |
002BDCE7 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Frostbite_3 |
Frostbite (Severe) |
凍傷(重症) |
408 |
002BDCE8 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Contusions_3 |
Contusions (Severe) |
打撲(重症) |
409 |
002BDCE9 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Lacerations_3 |
Lacerations (Severe) |
裂傷(重症) |
410 |
002BDCEA |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_TornMuscle_3 |
Torn Muscle (Severe) |
肉離れ(重症) |
411 |
002BDCEB |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedLimb_3 |
Fractured Limb (Severe) |
骨折(重症) |
412 |
002BDCEC |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedSkull_3 |
Fractured Skull (Severe) |
頭蓋骨骨折(重症) |
413 |
002BDCED |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Concussion_3 |
Concussion (Severe) |
脳震盪(重症) |
414 |
002BDCEE |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_BrainInjury_3 |
Brain Injury (Severe) |
脳の損傷(重症) |
415 |
002BDCEF |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Heatstroke_3 |
Heatstroke (Severe) |
熱射病(重症) |
416 |
002BDCF0 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hypothermia_3 |
Hypothermia (Severe) |
低体温症(重症) |
417 |
002BDCF1 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_RadiationPoisoning_3 |
Radiation (Severe) |
放射線被ばく(重症) |
418 |
002BDCF2 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Poisoning_3 |
Poisoning (Severe) |
毒(重症) |
419 |
002BDCF3 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_DislocatedLimb_3 |
Dislocated Limb (Severe) |
脱臼(重症) |
420 |
002BDCF4 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Sprain_3 |
Sprain (Severe) |
捻挫(重症) |
421 |
002BDCF5 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hernia_3 |
Hernia (Severe) |
ヘルニア(重症) |
422 |
002BDCF7 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BoneInfection_3 |
Osteomyelitis (Severe) |
骨髄炎(重症) |
423 |
002BDCF8 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BrainInfection_3 |
Encephalitis (Severe) |
脳炎(重症) |
424 |
002BDCF9 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_IntestinalInfection_3 |
Gastroenteritis (Severe) |
胃腸炎(重症) |
425 |
002BDCFA |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_LungInfection_3 |
Pneumonia (Severe) |
肺炎(重症) |
426 |
002BDCFB |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_TissueInfection_3 |
Cellulitis (Severe) |
蜂巣織炎(重症) |
427 |
002BDCFC |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BoneInfection_2 |
Osteomyelitis (Acute) |
骨髄炎(急性) |
428 |
002BDCFD |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BrainInfection_2 |
Encephalitis (Acute) |
脳炎(急性) |
429 |
002BDCFE |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_IntestinalInfection_2 |
Gastroenteritis (Acute) |
胃腸炎(急性) |
430 |
002BDCFF |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_LungInfection_2 |
Pneumonia (Acute) |
肺炎(急性) |
431 |
002BDD00 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_TissueInfection_2 |
Cellulitis (Acute) |
蜂巣織炎(急性) |
432 |
002BDD01 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_BrainInjury_2 |
Brain Injury (Acute) |
脳の損傷(急性) |
433 |
002BDD02 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Burns_2 |
Burns (Acute) |
火傷(急性) |
434 |
002BDD03 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Concussion_2 |
Concussion (Acute) |
脳震盪(急性) |
435 |
002BDD04 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Contusions_2 |
Contusions (Acute) |
打撲(急性) |
436 |
002BDD05 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_DislocatedLimb_2 |
Dislocated Limb (Acute) |
脱臼(急性) |
437 |
002BDD06 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedLimb_2 |
Fractured Limb (Acute) |
骨折(急性) |
438 |
002BDD07 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedSkull_2 |
Fractured Skull (Acute) |
頭蓋骨骨折(急性) |
439 |
002BDD08 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Frostbite_2 |
Frostbite (Acute) |
凍傷(急性) |
440 |
002BDD09 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Heatstroke_2 |
Heatstroke (Acute) |
熱射病(急性) |
441 |
002BDD0A |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hernia_2 |
Hernia (Acute) |
ヘルニア(急性) |
442 |
002BDD0B |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hypothermia_2 |
Hypothermia (Acute) |
低体温症(急性) |
443 |
002BDD0C |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Lacerations_2 |
Lacerations (Acute) |
裂傷(急性) |
444 |
002BDD0D |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_LungDamage_2 |
Lung Damage (Acute) |
肺障害(急性) |
445 |
002BDD0E |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Poisoning_2 |
Poisoning (Acute) |
毒(急性) |
446 |
002BDD0F |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_PunctureWounds_2 |
Puncture Wounds (Acute) |
刺傷(急性) |
447 |
002BDD10 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_RadiationPoisoning_2 |
Radiation (Acute) |
放射線被ばく(急性) |
448 |
002BDD11 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Sprain_2 |
Sprain (Acute) |
捻挫(急性) |
449 |
002BDD12 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_TornMuscle_2 |
Torn Muscle (Acute) |
肉離れ(急性) |
450 |
002BDD13 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BoneInfection_1 |
Osteomyelitis |
骨髄炎 |
451 |
002BDD14 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_BrainInfection_1 |
Encephalitis |
脳炎 |
452 |
002BDD15 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_IntestinalInfection_1 |
Gastroenteritis |
胃腸炎 |
453 |
002BDD16 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_LungInfection_1 |
Pneumonia |
肺炎 |
454 |
002BDD17 |
ENV_AFFL_Infection_TissueInfection_1 |
Cellulitis |
蜂巣織炎 |
455 |
002BDD18 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_BrainInjury_1 |
Brain Injury |
脳の損傷 |
456 |
002BDD19 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Burns_1 |
Burns |
火傷 |
457 |
002BDD1A |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Concussion_1 |
Concussion |
脳震盪 |
458 |
002BDD1B |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Contusions_1 |
Contusions |
打撲 |
459 |
002BDD1C |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_DislocatedLimb_1 |
Dislocated Limb |
脱臼 |
460 |
002BDD1D |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedLimb_1 |
Fractured Limb |
骨折 |
461 |
002BDD1E |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_FracturedSkull_1 |
Fractured Skull |
頭蓋骨骨折 |
462 |
002BDD1F |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Frostbite_1 |
Frostbite |
凍傷 |
463 |
002BDD20 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Heatstroke_1 |
Heatstroke |
熱中症 |
464 |
002BDD21 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hernia_1 |
Hernia |
ヘルニア |
465 |
002BDD22 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Hypothermia_1 |
Hypothermia |
低体温症 |
466 |
002BDD23 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Lacerations_1 |
Lacerations |
裂傷 |
467 |
002BDD24 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_LungDamage_1 |
Lung Damage |
肺障害 |
468 |
002BDD25 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Poisoning_1 |
Poisoning |
毒 |
469 |
002BDD26 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_PunctureWounds_1 |
Puncture Wounds |
刺傷 |
470 |
002BDD27 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_RadiationPoisoning_1 |
Radiation |
放射線被ばく |
471 |
002BDD28 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Sprain_1 |
Sprain |
捻挫 |
472 |
002BDD29 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_TornMuscle_1 |
Torn Muscle |
肉離れ |
473 |
002C5387 |
ArtifactPowerSupernova_Spell |
Supernova |
スーパーノバ |
474 |
002C5388 |
ArtifactPowerSunlessSpace_Spell |
Sunless Space |
陽なき宇宙 |
475 |
002C5389 |
ArtifactPowerPersonalAtmo_Spell |
Personal Atmosphere |
パーソナルエアー |
476 |
002C538A |
ArtifactPowerPrecognition_Spell |
Precognition |
予知 |
477 |
002C538B |
ArtifactPowerLifeForced_Spell |
Life Forced |
命の力 |
478 |
002C538C |
ArtifactPowerGravDash_Spell |
Grav Dash |
グラヴダッシュ |
479 |
002C538D |
ArtifactPowerCreatorsPeace_Spell |
Creators' Peace |
創造者の平和 |
480 |
002C538F |
ArtifactPowerAlienReanim_Spell |
Alien Reanimation |
異星生物蘇生 |
481 |
002C5390 |
ArtifactPowerCreateVacuum_Spell |
Create Vacuum |
真空創成 |
482 |
002C5391 |
ArtifactPowerElementalBlast_Spell |
Elemental Pull |
元素の引き寄せ |
483 |
002C5399 |
ArtifactPowerInnerDemon_Spell |
Inner Demon |
内なる悪魔 |
484 |
002C5A4E |
ArtifactPowerMoonForm_Spell |
Moon Form |
ムーンフォルム |
485 |
002C5A53 |
ArtifactPowerVoidForm_Spell |
Void Form |
ヴォイドフォーム |
486 |
002C5A54 |
ArtifactPowerSenseStarStuff_Spell |
Sense Star Stuff |
星要素感知 |
487 |
002C5A59 |
ArtifactPowerSolarFlare_Spell |
Solar Flare |
ソーラーフレア |
488 |
002C5A62 |
ArtifactPowerGravWave_Spell |
Gravity Wave |
グラヴウェーブ |
489 |
002C5A63 |
ArtifactPowerPhasedTime_Spell |
Phased Time |
フェーズタイム |
490 |
002C5A66 |
ArtifactPowerParticleBeam_Spell |
Particle Beam |
粒子ビーム |
491 |
002C5A67 |
ArtifactPowerParallelSelf_Spell |
Parallel Self |
並行世界の自分 |
492 |
002CCF94 |
abTargetingControlSystems_TargetLockTime_02 |
Target Lock Time 02 |
ターゲットロックオン時間02 |
493 |
002CCF95 |
abTargetingControlSystems_TargetLockTime_03 |
Target Lock Time 03 |
ターゲットロックオン時間03 |
494 |
002CE19E |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine_01 |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine |
ShipCrewAbilityBuffEngine |
495 |
002D82F7 |
Scanner_SocialSkill_TargetMarker |
496 |
002DBEFB |
CCT_abFortifyHealthLargeCreature |
CCT_abFortifyHealthLargeCreature |
CCT_abFortifyHealthLargeCreature |
497 |
002DC0CE |
Boostpack_Knockdown_Visual_Spell |
Boostpack Knockdown Visual Spell |
ブーストパックノックダウンのビジュアル特殊効果 |
498 |
002DC2A8 |
SQ_EarthquakeStagger |
Stagger |
よろめく |
499 |
002E8153 |
ENV_AFFL_Injury_Burns_3 |
Burns (Severe) |
やけど(重症) |
500 |
002ED9E2 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_AAA |
AAA Chance |
AAAの発生率 |
501 |
002ED9E3 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Infection_BoneInfection |
Bone Infection Chance |
骨感染症の感染率 |
502 |
002ED9E4 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Infection_BrainInfection |
Brain Infection Chance |
脳感染症の感染率 |
503 |
002ED9E5 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Infection_IntestinalInfection |
Intestinal Infection Chance |
腸内感染症の感染率 |
504 |
002ED9E6 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Infection_LungInfection |
Lung Infection Chance |
肺感染症の感染率 |
505 |
002ED9E7 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Infection_TissueInfection |
Tissue Infection Chance |
組織感染症の感染率 |
506 |
002ED9E8 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_BrainInjury |
Brain Injury Chance |
脳損傷の発生率 |
507 |
002ED9E9 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Burns |
Burns Chance |
火傷の発生率 |
508 |
002ED9EA |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Concussion |
Concussion Chance |
脳震盪の発生率 |
509 |
002ED9EB |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Contusions |
Contusions Chance |
打撲の発生率 |
510 |
002ED9EC |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_DislocatedLimb |
Dislocated Limb Chance |
脱臼の発生率 |
511 |
002ED9ED |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_FracturedLimb |
Fractured Limb Chance |
骨折の発生率 |
512 |
002ED9EE |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_FracturedSkull |
Fractured Skull Chance |
頭蓋骨骨折の発生率 |
513 |
002ED9EF |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Frostbite |
Frostbite Chance |
凍傷の発生率 |
514 |
002ED9F0 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Heatstroke |
Heatstroke Chance |
熱射病の発生率 |
515 |
002ED9F1 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Hernia |
Hernia Chance |
ヘルニアの発生率 |
516 |
002ED9F2 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Hypothermia |
Hypothermia Chance |
低体温症の発生率 |
517 |
002ED9F3 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Lacerations |
Lacerations Chance |
裂傷の発生率 |
518 |
002ED9F4 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_LungDamage |
Lung Damage Chance |
肺障害の発生率 |
519 |
002ED9F5 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Poisoning |
Poisoning Chance |
毒の発生率 |
520 |
002ED9F6 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_PunctureWounds |
Puncture Wounds Chance |
刺傷の発生率 |
521 |
002ED9F7 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_RadiationPoisoning |
Radiation Poisoning Chance |
放射線被ばくの発生率 |
522 |
002ED9F8 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_Sprain |
Sprain Chance |
捻挫の発生率 |
523 |
002ED9F9 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Chance_Injury_TornMuscle |
Torn Muscle Chance |
肉離れの発生率 |
524 |
002EDE58 |
Legendary_Pack_AssistedCarry |
Assisted Carry Spell |
キャリーアシストの特殊効果 |
525 |
002EF5CA |
ArtifactPower_AntiGravityFieldHazard_Spell |
Anti Gravity Hazard |
反重力の危険 |
526 |
002F413B |
ShotgunCert_PerkStunSpell |
Stun |
スタン |
527 |
002F9A01 |
WeaponReward_Ember_BackfireDmg |
Backfire DMG |
逆噴射ダメージ |
528 |
002FE0C1 |
AbMQ101ModIncomingDamageFromPirates |
529 |
00303979 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Cough_DmgOxygen |
Cough |
咳 |
530 |
0030397F |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Bleeding_Reminder |
Bleeding |
出血 |
531 |
0030399A |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Cramping_Reminder |
Cramping |
痙攣 |
532 |
0030399C |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_DifficultyBreathing_Reminder |
Difficulty Breathing |
呼吸困難 |
533 |
003039A4 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_InternalBleeding_DmgHealth |
Internal Bleeding |
内出血 |
534 |
003039A7 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_JointPain_Reminder |
Joint Pain |
関節痛 |
535 |
003039A9 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Migraine_Reminder |
Migraine |
片頭痛 |
536 |
003039AB |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Pain_Reminder |
Pain |
痛み |
537 |
003039AD |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Soreness_Reminder |
Soreness |
ただれ |
538 |
003039B1 |
ENV_AFFL_Symptom_Unbalanced_Reminder |
Unbalanced |
錯乱 |
539 |
0032AA8B |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth_Rank2 |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
540 |
0032AA8D |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth_Rank3 |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
CCT_abLegendaryFortifyHealth |
541 |
00336BFC |
ModWeapon_Annihilator_Hazard_Spell |
Annihilator Hazard Spawn |
アナイアレイターハザードスポーン |
542 |
00336BFD |
ModWeapon_Annihilator_Disease_Spell |
Annihilator Disease |
アナイアレイター病 |
543 |
00336C00 |
ModWeapon_Annihilator_HazardSelf_Spell |
Annihilator Hazard Spawn |
アナイアレイターハザードスポーン |
544 |
00346C94 |
UC08_CrTerrormorphMindControl_Permanent |
Terrormorph Mind Control |
テラーモーフ・マインドコントロール |
545 |
00346C95 |
UC08_CrTerrormorphMindControl_PlayerAlly |
Terrormorph Mind Control |
テラーモーフ・マインドコントロール |
546 |
00363CCB |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss |
CCT_abFortifyHealth_Boss |
547 |
0037331B |
SpellPistolCertification04 |
Pistol Certification Rank 4 Spell |
ピストル免許ランク4の特殊効果 |
548 |
0037CFEB |
SpellShotgunCertification04 |
Shotgun Certification Rank 4 Spell |
ショットガン免許ランク4の特殊効果 |
549 |
0037D0B2 |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
LegendaryWeapon_Radioactive_Spell_AddTempPerk |
550 |
003853B2 |
SpellMarksmanship04 |
Marksmanship Rank 4 Spell |
射撃技術ランク4の特殊効果 |
551 |
0038D6CB |
Legendary_Wep_TeslaRounds_Spell |
Tesla Rounds |
テスラ弾 |
552 |
003A27ED |
LC165_AbTeleportSwapOut |
553 |
003A27EE |
LC165_AbTeleportSwapIn |
554 |
003A289E |
AbStarbornTeleport |
555 |
003A289F |
AbStarbornDeath |
556 |
003A28A3 |
LC165_AbParallelSelfDeath |
557 |
003A28A5 |
LC165_AbInnerDemonDeath |
558 |
003BC934 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Cold_Hazard_Spell |
Extreme Cold Hazard |
超高温ハザード |
559 |
003BC93B |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_Hazard_Spell |
Radiation Hazard |
放射性ハザード |
560 |
003BC943 |
ENV_DMG_Radiation_ElectricalField_Hazard_Spell |
Electricity Hazard |
電撃ハザード |
561 |
003CD80C |
AbStarbornMembrane |
StarbornMembrane |
スターボーン薄膜 |
562 |
003E5BE8 |
ENV_AFFL_AddHitSpellPerk_Ability_Humans_AutomaticWeapons |
Add Hit Spell Perk Human Auto |
ヒット特殊効果PERKを追加(人間、オート) |
563 |
003E5BE9 |
ENV_AFFL_AddHitSpellPerk_Ability_Humans_NonAutomaticWeapons |
Add Hit Spell Perk Human Non-Auto |
ヒット特殊効果PERKを追加(人間、非オート) |
564 |
003E5BEF |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Random_Injury_Sharp |
Random Sharp Injury |
鋭器によるランダムな損傷 |
565 |
003E5BF0 |
Env_HitSpell_AFFL_Random_Injury_Blunt |
Random Blunt Injury |
鈍器によるランダムな損傷 |
566 |
003E5DCC |
ENV_DMG_Corrosive_CorrosiveSubstance_Hazard_Spell |
Corrosive Hazard |
腐食ガスハザード |
567 |
003E88DB |
CrTerrormorphMindControlNPC |
Terrormorph Mind Control - NPC |
テラーモーフ・マインドコントロール - NPC |
568 |
003E88DE |
CrTerrormorphMindControlNPC_test |
Terrormorph Mind Control - NPC |
テラーモーフ・マインドコントロール - NPC |
569 |
003E8D22 |
AbModIncomingDamageFakeCombat |
570 |
003F14E3 |
AbModIncomingDamageFakeCombatShip |
571 |
003FFD40 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Heat_AppliedSpell_Momentary |
Extreme Heat |
超高温 |
572 |
003FFD44 |
ENV_DMG_Thermal_Heat_AppliedSpell_Lingering |
Extreme Heat |
超高温 |