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The Elder Scrolls: Arena メモ:キャラクター作成



以下、Arena:Files - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) よりダウンロードした、ArenaManual.zipManual.pdf(以降マニュアル)より、p17(9)より抜粋。

You will be given two choices:
1) Generate
2) Select

Option 1 will allow you to generate a character based upon a set of 10 questions that will determine which character class best suits your personality. Follow the onscreen prompts to create your character. You DO NOT have to select this class as the one you wish to play. The class chosen for you only reflects what you would probably survive longest as, based upon the way you answered the questions. Use it only as a guideline. When you are finished, follow the onscreen prompts to rolling up your stats.

Or select Option 2 which will just bring up a pick list of the 18 character classes for you to choose the one you wish to play. When you are finished, follow the onscreen prompts to rolling up your stats.

1) 生成する
2) 選択する





1. On a clear day you chance upon a strange animal, its leg trapped in a hunter's clawsnare. Judging from the bleeding it will not survive long. Do you:
a) Draw your dagger, mercifully ending it's life with a single thrust? (5v)
b) Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events, but rather take the opportunity to learn more about a strange animal that you have never seen before? (5l)
c) Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep, then free it from the clawsnare and take it somewhere where it can be safe, knowing that in doing so you will probably deprive a hunter and his family of sustenance? (5c)

2. One summer afternoon your father, Talin, gives you a choice of chores. Would you rather:
a) Work in the forge with him casting iron for a new plow? (5v)
b) Gather herbs for your mother who is preparing dinner? (5l)
c) Go catch fish at the stream using a net and line? (5c)

3. Your father and you are returning from the town market when you see a small boy running from a store. In his hands he clutches a loaf of bread. Behind him races the baker with a cleaver in his hands. You know that the boy must be hungry, but the town is suffering from a drought, which has made food valuable. Do you:
a) Side with justice and urge your father to stop the boy? (5v)
b) Help the poor waif by running into the baker's way? (5c)
c) Stand out of the way and wait to see what your father decides, trusting his experience? (5l)

4. Your father tells you one night the story of his battle at Borim Valley, where his men had routed the enemy. They would have captured them all if not for the brave sacrifice of a young Sergeant on the opposing side, who held a pass long enough for his men to retreat to safety. He had done so knowing that it would cost him his life. If you had been that man would you have:
a) Fled, rationalizing that your experience with battle tactics was too valuable to be wasted, and could make the difference later? (5l)
b) Held the pass also, so that the men under your command could flee, though it meant your life? (5v)
c) Searched for some means to distract the enemy so that your men might have the possibility of escaping, but not at the cost of your own life? (5c)

5. Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items. Do you:
a) Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned money, explaining to him the mistake? (5v)
b) Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway? (5c)
c) Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase items that would help your family? (5l)

6. While in a market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet. Do you:
a) Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra windfall will help your family in times of trouble? (5c)
b) Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that the only honorable thing to do is return the money to its rightful owner? (5v)
c) Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to get involved? (5l)

7. Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his choosing. Do you:
a) Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt? (5v)
b) Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning? (5c)
c) Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of his choosing in the future? (5l)

8. Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her. Do you:
a) Push your mother out of the way? (5l)
b) Grab the hot pipe and try and push it away? (5v)
c) Position yourself between the pipe and your mother? (5c)

9. While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. Do you:
a) Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for the fight? (5v)
b) Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friends with you and can come and take whatever he owes you? (5l)
c) Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll but at the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot in on the leader? (5c)

10. Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seems very angry. Do you:
a) Rush to the man's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances? (5v)
b) Rush to the town's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances? (5c)
c) Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved? (5l)

11. You and your best friend buy your first daggers together, a matched pair. You loan him the amount since he doesn't have enough gold, and he agrees to pay you back later. After leaving the shop you and he sit down to marvel at your new weapons. To your dismay you notice that there is a small notch on the blade of the dagger you selected. Your friend asks you to please watch his weapon for him while he runs an errand. Do you:
a) Wait for your friend's return then point out the flaw in your dagger and return to the weapons shop to demand a refund. (5v)
b) Switch the daggers, rationalizing that since you paid for them you should get the first choice, and that if your friend ever notices the notch, you could always take him back to the weapon shop and get a refund? (5c)
c) Keep his dagger safe until his return, then switch the daggers with your best friend's knowledge, justifying it with the fact that you paid for them, and then offer to accompany him back to the weapons shop? (5l)

12. You are at weapons practice with Armsmaster Festil. He is very old now, but takes his teaching very seriously. In fact you have heard him comment that it is all he has left in life. Today he has ceaselessly taunted you at every mistake. Finally he asks you to attack him with the same technique you just did, in an effort to show you the proper execution. Do you:
a) Do the technique just fast enough so that he can block it, knowing that it is more important to allow the master to retain dignity, regardless of your personal feelings? (5v)
b) Attack him at full speed, knowing that you could probably score the hit and justify his unfair treatment of you by showing the class that you were actually doing it right? (5c)
c) Refuse and leave practice, unable to compromise your anger with his dignity, and realizing that whatever course you choose would cause you to lose respect for either him or for yourself? (5l)

13. While throwing a ball to you your friend breaks a window on his house. His father rushes out and demands to know who broke the window. You know that your friend's father is a strict disciplinarian and will punish your friend severely if he takes the blame. You on the other hand, not being his son, could get away virtually unscathed. Do you:
a) Raise your hand and take the blame before your friend can answer? (5v)
b) Remain silent and not get involved? (5l)
c) Point at your friend, knowing that anything else would probably delay the inevitable and make things just that much worse for him? (5c)

14. Armsmaster Festil during a lesson on strategy remarks, 'The best victory is to completely and totally humiliate your opponent'. He then turns to you and asks you if you agree with him. You know the Armsmaster has been in numerous life and death conflicts and has the experience of a seasoned warrior. Do you:
a) Agree with his remark, knowing that at this moment your experience is not enough to justify any stance but total agreement with whatever your Armsmaster says, a man who has dedicated his life to strategy? (5v)
b) Disagree with his remark, reasoning that it must be some type of test, and that the truth will only come from opposition with his opinion, and not sheep-like agreement? (5c)
c) Refuse to answer the question, choosing to withhold an opinion until you have more experience and can converse on the subject in an intelligent manner with him? (5l)

15. The senior student in your weapons class has trounced you unmercifully for the past several years. Today is the Tournament of Students and you find with dismay that you are paired against him for your first match. As you prepare your friend approaches and offers to tell you of an injury the senior student suffered in yesterday's sparring class, which you missed. Do you:
a) Accept the offer, knowing that it would allow you to concentrate on the injured area and greatly increase your chances of beating him? (5c)
b) Refuse the offer, knowing that win or lose you would rather do it through your own skill and not some extra knowledge in what should be a fair and honorable fight? (5v)
c) Accept the offer, reasoning that it is better to have the knowledge in case you need it, and realizing that having the knowledge does not necessarily mean using it? (5l)

16. An old man stops you on the way to market, claiming to have been robbed. He is lying on the trail and seems gravely injured. He asks you to run to town and get the constable. You give him your word that you will go directly to town and bring the constable back. As you make your way back you notice a suspicious man creeping along another trail. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. Do you:
a) Follow the man, reasoning that if this man is the robber you could lead the constable directly to him and safeguard other travelers, although it would mean breaking your word? (5c)
b) Take note of him but continue on, reasoning that the man on the trail is hurt too badly to stop, regardless of any other consideration? (5l)
c) Take note of him but continue on, reasoning that your word is your bond and that it takes precedence over anything else? (5v)

17. While fishing one sunny afternoon you find that the boots which you discarded are now full of ants who are busily making their way from a piece of bread you dropped to their anthill. Do you:
a) Pick up the boots wash all the ants off now, even though you are not leaving until dusk? (5l)
b) Watch the ants, curious as to how they work so efficiently, and content to live and let live? (5v)
c) Make boats out of leaves and then send each ant down the stream to pass the time until a fish bites? (5c)

18. You hear Armsmaster Festil remark during weapons class, 'The intent of your opponent can be seen in his blade'. Many of the students scoff at this, though not openly. Do you:
a) Feel that the disrespect the students show at this points to something which they do not understand, and therefore causes you to focus your efforts on understanding it all the more? (5c)
b) Feel that he means the way the opponent attacks and moves shows you how he feels? (5v)
c) Realize that Armsmaster Festil should not be the object of scorn, but rather one of respect, for he has lived a full life and survived things none of the students could imagine? (5l)

19. The town has a lottery in which the winning chit is called. You look in shock as the winning chit number matches your own! Before you can say anything another family walks forward. You have seen them before and know that they are extremely poor. Your family on the other hand is very well off, and could do without the 100 gold piece prize. Do you:
a) Say nothing and allow the other family to claim the prize? (5v)
b) Stand and show your chit, knowing that the prize is rightfully yours? (5c)
c) Stand and show your chit, and offer to split the prize in half with the other family? (5l)

20. Armsmaster Festil poses a question one day to his class. A company of 100 men is attempting to flee from the enemy. There are two paths out of the broken stronghold. One path will kill half the men under the officers command, but the other half would survive. The other path has a fifty percent chance that everyone would die, but also a fifty percent chance that everyone would survive. As the commanding officer would you:
a) Choose the path that would guarantee half your men would survive? (5l)
b) Choose the path that has a fifty percent chance that all would survive, and a fifty percent chance that all would perish? (5v)
c) Turn the choice over to the men and let them decide by majority vote which path they should commit themselves to? (5c)

21. You have a great aunt and a great uncle living in two different nearby villages, both of whom have asked your father to allow you to live with them for a few weeks. Your father knows where he plans to send you, but he is curious about your opinion. Given the choice, would you rather:
a) Live with your great aunt -- a wise old woman of considerable wealth. Living in luxury for a few weeks could not only be enlightening, it could also be very interesting. (5c)
b) Live with your great uncle -- a sick old man who has always been something of a stranger to you. A few weeks with him may be ardorous, but he is in more need of your help than your great aunt. (5v)
c) Think of a way to divide your time between your great aunt and great uncle. Perhaps you will not be able to spend as much time with either as much as you would like, but neither would be left out. (5l)

22. A friend has on several occassions made remarks about how much he likes a particular gold ring of yours. One day you discover that this ring is missing and after making a thorough search, find it in a coat your friend had left in your pantry. Are you most inclined to:
a) Ask your friend how he came about the ring, reasoning that it is highly probable that he found it and meant to return it to you. (5v)
b) Confront him with his theft. You know that there is no way the ring just fell into his pocket by accident, and therefore he is nothing but a common thief who would betray you for material gain. (5c)
c) Say nothing, deciding instead to wait and see what your friend does. If he is innocent or guilty, you will know by whatever actions he takes. At that time, you can confront him with the truth. (5l)

23. A good friend of yours is in love with a girl from a neighboring village, a girl who barely knows him. He is extremely shy and inexperienced, and he pleads for your help. Would you suggest he:
a) Go to her immediately and declare his love. If the relationship is to be, he needs to be honest from the start. You offer to accompany him to the village for support. (5v)
b) Find out more about this girl using any contact he can find in her village. He will not be so shy if he knows something about her, and may even find out she is not the right girl for him. (5l)
c) Let you help him write anonymous love letters and poems to see her reaction without needing to face her directly. If the reaction is favorable, he can talk to her friends in the village and arrange an "accidental" meeting. (5c)

24. Armsmaster Festil is relating the story of a great king he knew in a faraway land whose inventors created a wondrous balloon of such size, it could transport dozens of people through the air to any place they chose. If you were this king, he asks you, how would you use this remarkable balloon? Would you:
a) Explore regions previously impossible or extremely dangerous to visit by land. (5l)
b) Keep the balloon a secret, saving it for surprise attacks or defense in a time of war. (5c)
c) Commission the inventor to create dozens of these 'balloons' in hopes of making a travel system across your realm that will speed up transportation time and the exchange of ideas. (5v)

25. There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not. You believe:
a) That this is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind. (5c)
b) Loyal followers to the King have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late. (5v)
c) In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime. (5l)

26. You are told that a young man has been caught by the village guards and accused of murder. Apparently, his brother was killed by a group of four ruffians in a local tavern, and in his grief, the young man tracked each of them down and murdered them. Upon reflection, you believe that:
a) The young man acted honorably in avenging his brother's death. The village lord should let him go free. (5v)
b) Even as you sympathize with the young man, vigilante law cannot be tolerated if there is to be peace. (5l)
c) The young man's only mistake was getting caught while exacting vengance. For that, he now must accept whatever fate has in store for him. (5c)

27. One night, walking home, you are attacked by a young man you know from Armsmaster Festil's class. You defend yourself ably and knock him unconscious. While he is out, you:
a) Tie him up, intending to interrogate him later when he wakes up. You want to know why he attacked you. You can then turn him into the Armsmaster at your leisure. (5l)
b) Slit his throat. You know him from class, and think he would have done the same had your positions been reversed. (5c)
c) Leave him with a visible scar, the knowledge of his defeat at your hands and the visible reminder punishment enough for one who has resorted to such dishonorable tactics. (5v)

28. Your father delights in telling you stories of his travels in his youth. In one memorable tale, he tells you about a primitive island he visited where a young child was sacrificed once a year to appease Arius, the God of Fire. Whenever the natives neglected the sacrifice, the island volcano would erupt, killing hundreds of villagers. You immediately tell your father:
a) You do not believe in any such Volcano God. Civilized men should intervene, find the natural cause behind the eruptions, and stop the sacrifices. (5l)
b) The God Arius must be evil to demand child sacrifice. The villagers should find some way to combat this God, instead of just giving in to his demands. (5v)
c) It is tragic, but the death of one small child is preferable to that of many villagers. If it works, they should keep the tradition. Gods are not to be toyed with. (5c)

29. Armsmaster Festil introduces a new student to the class - a small, awkward boy named Tys who does not seem to have any natural talent at all. The class is divided into two sides for a mock battle and, as one of the 'generals', you are to assign your soldiers to positions. Tys is one of your men. You decide to:
a) Put Tys at the frontline with the other fighters, rationalizing that in any realistic battle, he would probably be a casualty anyway, and that there must be some sacrifices. (5l)
b) Use Tys as a scout, rationalizing that because of his small size he would probably be good at sneaking in and gathering information on the enemy. (5c)
c) Assign Tys to several posts during the course of the battle, staying near and helping him so he can gain valuable experience and improve. (5v)

30. Your mother is terribly ill and you have been sent with a few gold pieces to buy some rare, medicinal herbs for her. As you reach the door to the apothecary's, you realize there is a hole in your purse and all the gold has fallen out. Do you:
a) Enter the store, tell the apothecary your dilemma, and promise on your honor to pay him back for the herbs your mother so desperately needs. (5l)
b) Attempt to steal the herbs from the apothecary's. You know the old man who works in the store will not be able to catch you, and your mother lies sick. (5c)
c) Run back home and admit the loss, hoping that your father will have more gold. You know you'll be punished, but you will neither be in debt to the apothecary, nor will you be a thief. (5v)

31. A boat you are in is suddenly caught in a tremendous whirlpool. As the current reaches an impossible velocity, the little boat begins springing leaks and starts to sink under the vortex. You can see no way out that does not promise death, so you:
a) Pick up a bucket and begin bailing furiously, hoping to keep the boat afloat just a few more seconds. (5l)
b) Sit back and accept your fate, choosing to die with a sense of decorum and nobility, not as a commoner who fears the unknown. (5v)
c) Dive into the churning current. You may only be hastening your own death, but at least you are doing something. (5c)

32. You're hunting in the King's Hunt, a contest in which the best hunter will win riches enough to live comfortably for the rest of his or her life. You track a white stag many of you had shot at earlier. You are alone as you examine the stag and recognize the arrow as one fired from your friend's bow. As you retrieve the arrow for closer examination you hear your friends arrive. Do you:
a) Claim to have fired the arrow that hit the stag, thus gaining the honor for the kill? (5c)
b) Show the others the arrow and proclaim your friend the archer of the day? (5v)
c) Suggest dividing the prize, reasoning that although your friend's arrow brought down the hart, all of you were instrumental in the tracking and the kill? (5l)

33. One month after Tales and Tallows, you look at the horde of treats you have collected and find lots of brandied plums, a treat you particularly dislike. You know your younger sister likes them. Do you:
a) Give her all your brandied plums? (5v)
b) Trade the brandied plums for something she does not really like but you do? (5l)
c) Pretend that they are excellent brandied plums and see if she will give up something really good in exchange? (5c)

34. Your cousin has given you a very embarassing nickname and, even worse, likes to call you it in front of your friends. You have asked him to stop, but he finds it very amusing to watch you blush. What do you do?:
a) Make up an even more embarassing nickname for him and use it constantly until he learns his lesson. (5l)
b) Make up a story that makes your nickname a badge of honor instead of something humiliating. (5c)
c) Beat up your cousin, then tell him that if he ever calls you that nickname again, you will bloody him worse that this time. (5v)

35. Othisa, a friend, has been beat by a boy several years older than either you or her. She asks for your help. Are you more inclined to:
a) Gather a bunch of friends together and ambush the boy, teaching him a lesson about bullying. (5c)
b) Tell Othisa to avoid the bully - no reason to make things worse than they are. (5l)
c) Challenge the older boy, knowing that you will probably take a beating, but confident that if you do it enough times, he will move on to pick on someone who is an easier target. (5v)

36. Your parents are having a party for several relatives. While helping around the house, you see your cousin slip into a darkened room. Curious, you follow and discover him slipping a silver candlestick into his jacket. He is an honorable boy, but you know his family has suffered some recent financial hardship. He has not seen you yet, do you:
a) Clear your throat and tell him to put the candlestick back, reassuring him that your parents can help him if his family is in trouble, but he should not resort to stealing. (5l)
b) Close the door behind you and say nothing. Your family can live without the candlestick, but your cousin's family obviously cannot. (5v)
c) Treat him like any other burgler. Lock him in the room and call for your father. If he chooses to be merciful because of your cousin's poverty, that is his decision. It is your father's candlestick, after all. (5c)

37. While exploring the woods with two other adventurers, you come across a small, abandoned hut that seems to have once belonged to a mage. Looking through the window, you see the remains of a laboratory, many potions and scrolls still on the shelves. A fighter named Geotina, who thinks you a cowardly sort, suggests breaking into the shack and exploring. Another fighter named Hunard suggests going to town to find out more information. You advise:
a) Going into town. They are more familiar with the area and may have important information about this hut and the surrounding area. (5l)
b) Breaking into the shack, but leaving one person on the outside in case something goes wrong. You should investigate new things, not run away from them. (5v)
c) Daring Geotina to go in first. If there is a trap, she can trip it, then you and Hunard can go in and explore at your leisure. (5c)

38. It is a particularly grueling class with Armsmaster Festil. He has been unreasonably demanding on everyone, including you. His criticisms seem to border on abuse, and it seems he has no positive comments to make. He turns to berate you at the end of class, and over his shoulder, you see some classmates put an aggressive but non-poisonous snake in Festil's hand sack. You would:
a) Do nothing. The great Armsmaster needs a dose of humility and this might be a good way of paying him back for all the misery he has put you through today. (5c)
b) Tell Festil you saw a snake creep into his hand sack, but do not tell him what your classmates did. No reason to get anyone in even further trouble. (5l)
c) Immediately tell Festil what the classmates did. There is no excuse for treating a seasoned fighter like him with disrespect, regardless of his treatment to you that particular day. (5v)

39. Because you expressed interest, Armsmaster Festil told you a few hints about recognizing magical weaponry. Later you are practicing archery with a few friends. One boy who was never a strong archer has become something of a sharpshooter. You suddenly realize that he is using magical arrows. What do you do?:
a) Tell the others about the arrows. In a friendly archery match, using magical arrows is cheating. (5v)
b) Tell your friend you noticed that he was using magical arrows, and if he doesn't get you some, you will tell the Armsmaster and the others the reason behind his improvement. (5c)
c) Say nothing. If you have a need for magical arrows you can always mention something to him later. After all, magic is not really a cheat, it is a different skill. (5l)

40. Practicing alone, you develop a new fighting style you are very excited about. When you mention it to Armsmaster Festil, he tells you it would never work in practical combat. Do you:
a) Use the new style in the middle of a class spar. When it works, Festil will be forced to admit its practicality or give a reason for not accepting it. (5c)
b) Keep asking Festil questions about it, focusing on details of the form to find his objection. Eventually he will have to give a more specific criticism. (5l)
c) Accept his word without question. Armsmaster Festil has been fighting since your grandfather's day. He knows a flawed style when he sees it, and it is better not to waste his or your time asking why. (5v)

1. ある晴れた日、あなたは猟師の爪に足を挟まれた奇妙な動物に遭遇した。出血から判断すると、長くは生きられないだろう。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 短剣を抜き、一突きでその命を憐れみながら絶つ?(5v)
b) 自然の成り行きに干渉せず、むしろ今まで見たことのない奇妙な動物について学ぶ機会を得るか?(5l)
c) 荷物の中の薬草を使って眠らせた後、爪とぎから解放して安全な場所に連れて行く。そうすることで、おそらく猟師とその家族の糧を奪うことになるとわかっているか?(5c)

2. ある夏の日の午後、あなたの父、タリンはあなたに家事の選択肢を与えました。あなたはどちらを選びますか。
a) お父さんと一緒に鍛冶屋で新しい鋤のための鉄を鋳造する仕事をしますか?(5v)
b) 夕食の準備をしているお母さんのために薬草を集める?(5l)
c) 小川で網と糸を使って魚を捕りに行く?(5c)

3. お父さんとあなたが町の市場から帰る途中、店から走ってくる小さな男の子を見かけました。その手にはパンが握られています。その後ろではパン屋が包丁を手に走っています。あなたはその少年がお腹を空かせているに違いないと思ったが、町は干ばつで食料が貴重になっているのだ。あなたはどうしますか。
a) 正義に味方して、父親に少年を止めるように勧めるか?(5v)
b) パン屋に駆け込んで、貧しい浮浪児を助けるか?(5c)
c) 父親の経験を信じて、邪魔にならないように立ち止まり、父親の決断を待ちますか?(5l)

4. あなたの父はある夜、ボリム渓谷での戦いで部下が敵を撃退した話をあなたに聞かせた。敵側の若い軍曹の勇敢な犠牲がなければ、彼らは全員を捕らえることができただろう。彼は部下が安全に撤退するのに十分な時間をかけて峠を守った。彼は、自分の命が犠牲になることを承知の上で、そうしたのです。もしあなたがその男性だったら、次のようにしたでしょう。
a) 戦術の経験は無駄にするにはあまりに貴重であり、後で違いを生むかもしれないと合理的に考えて、逃げ出したか?(5l)
b) 自分の命を危険にさらしてでも、部下が逃げられるように、峠も守るか?(5v)
c) 部下が逃げる可能性があるように、敵の注意をそらす手段を探したが、自分の命を犠牲にすることはなかったか?(5c)

5. あなたのお母さんは、買うべき品物のリストを持って、あなたを市場に送りました。あなたは買い物を終えた後、間違って店員が商品のひとつと引き換えにお金を返しすぎてしまったことに気づきました。あなたはどうしますか。
a) 店に戻り、店主に間違いを説明しながら、せっかく稼いだお金を渡しますか?(5v)
b) 店員は一般的に客に過剰な料金を請求する傾向があると知っているので、余分なお金をポケットに入れますか?(5c)
c) 余分なお金を有効に使って、家族の助けになるようなものを買おうと決心しましたか?(5l)

6. 市場で、泥棒が貴族の財布を切るのを目撃した。その時、貴族はそれに気づき、街の衛兵を呼びます。急いで逃げようとした泥棒は、あなたの近くに財布を落としてしまいます。驚いたことに、誰もあなたの足元にある小銭の入った袋に気づいていないようです。あなたはどうしますか。
a) その袋を拾ってポケットに入れ、余分な金があれば家族が困ったときに助かると思う?(5c)
b) 袋を拾って警備員に合図し、正当な持ち主にお金を返すことが唯一の名誉なことだと知っているか?(5v)
c) 関わらない方がいいと思い、バッグをそのままにしておく?(5l)

7. あなたの父親は、あなたに厩舎の掃除という嫌いな仕事をさせました。厩舎を掃除するのだが、その途中で、自分の家の近くに住む友人に出会う。彼は、将来自分の好きなことをする代わりに、厩舎を掃除してくれると言っています。あなたはどうしますか?
a) あなたの父親はあなたが仕事をすることを期待しているし、借金をしない方が良いと知っているので、彼の申し出を断るか?(5v)
b) 厩舎をきれいにしさえすれば、誰が掃除しても構わないという理由で、彼の申し出を受け入れるか?(5c)
c) 一人より二人の方が早く仕事ができることを承知で、彼に手伝ってくれるよう頼み、将来、彼の選んだ仕事を一つ手伝うことに同意するか?(5l)

8. お母さんに頼まれて、ストーブの修理を手伝っています。あなたが作業している間に、非常に熱いパイプが係留部から外れて、母親の方に落ちてきました。あなたはどうしますか。
a) お母さんを押し退けて、その場を離れさせますか?(5l)
b) 熱いパイプをつかみ、押しのけようとしますか?(5v)
c) パイプとお母さんの間に身を置く?(5c)

9. 街でパン屋さんにスイーツロールをもらいました。喜び勇んで路地に入ると、同じ年頃の3人組のギャングに捕まりました。リーダーはスイートロールを要求し、さもなければ友人たちと一緒にあなたを倒して奪うという。あなたはどうしますか?
a) スイートロールを落として踏んでから、戦いの準備をする?(5v)
b) 論議することなく、今すぐ彼にスイートロールを渡し、今日の午後には友人全員を連れてきて、彼があなたに支払うべきものを奪いに来ることができると知っているか?(5l)
c) スイートロールを渡すように振る舞いながら、土壇場でそれを空中に投げて、相手がそれに注目するのを待ちながら、リーダーを狙い撃ちにする?(5c)

10. 町に入ると、とても格好いい男が人ごみの中から走っているのを目撃する。彼はあなたに助けを求めて叫んでいます。彼の後ろにいる群衆はとても怒っているようです。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 状況をよく知らないにもかかわらず、すぐにその人を助けに駆けつけますか?(5v)
b) 状況をよく知らないにもかかわらず、すぐに町の人の助けに駆けつけますか?(5c)
c) 関わらない方がいいと思い、その人と群衆が通り過ぎるのを見送る?(5l)

11. あなたは親友と一緒に、初めてお揃いの短剣を買いました。あなたは彼がゴールドを十分に持っていないため、その金額を彼に貸し、彼は後であなたに返すことに同意しました。店を出た後、あなたと彼は新しい武器に感嘆していました。しかし、あなたが選んだ短剣の刃に小さな切り欠きがあることに気がつきました。友人は用事がある間、自分の武器を見ていてほしいとあなたに頼みました。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 友人が戻ってくるのを待って、短剣の欠点を指摘し、武器屋に返金を要求する。(5v)
b) 短剣を交換し、お金を払ったのだから最初に選んだものをもらうべきで、もし友人がその切り欠きに気づいたら、いつでも武器屋に連れ戻して返金してもらえばいいと合理化する?(5c)
c) 彼の短剣を彼が戻るまで安全に保管し、親友に内緒で短剣を交換し、それを自分が支払ったという事実で正当化し、彼が武器屋に戻るまで同行すると申し出る?(5l)

12. あなたはアームズマスター・フェスティルと武器の練習をしています。彼はもうかなり年をとっていますが、とても真剣に教えてくれます。実際、あなたは彼が「人生で残っているのはこれだけだ」と言うのを聞いたことがあるでしょう。今日も彼はミスをするたびに、絶え間なくあなたを嘲笑していた。最後に彼は、正しい技を見せるために、さっきと同じ技で攻撃するように言ってきた。あなたはどうしますか。
a) 個人的な感情とは関係なく、マスターの威厳を保つことがより重要であることを知っているので、彼がブロックできる程度に速く技を行うか?(5v)
b) 全速力で攻撃し、おそらくヒットを決め、自分が実際に正しく行っていたことをクラスに示すことで、彼の不当な扱いを正当化できると知っているか?(5c)
c) あなたの怒りと彼の尊厳を妥協することができず、どのような道を選んでも彼または自分自身への尊敬を失うことになることを理解して、練習を拒否して去りますか?(5l)

13. あなたの友人がボールを投げているときに、家の窓ガラスを割ってしまいました。彼の父親があわてて出てきて、誰が窓ガラスを割ったのか知りたがっています。あなたは、友達の父親がしつけに厳しい人であり、もし自分が責任をとれば友達を厳しく罰することを知っています。一方、あなたは彼の息子ではないので、ほとんど無傷で済むかもしれません。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 友達が答える前に手を上げて、責任を取るか?(5v)
b) 黙ったまま、巻き込まれないようにするか?(5l)
c) 友人を指差す。それ以外のことをすれば、おそらく避けられない事態を遅らせ、彼にとってはさらに悪い状況になるとわかっているか?(5c)

14. アームズマスター・フェスティルが戦略の授業中に「最高の勝利は相手を完全に、そして完全に辱めることだ」と発言しました。そして、彼はあなたに向かって、彼に同意するかどうか尋ねます。あなたは、アームズマスターが数々の生死をかけた戦いに参加し、熟練した戦士としての経験を持っていることを知っています。あなたはどう思いますか?
a) 彼の発言に同意します。この時点では、あなたの経験ではどんな姿勢も正当化できないことを承知で、戦略に人生を捧げてきたアームズマスターの言うことに全面的に同意しますか?(5v)
b) 彼の発言に同意しない、これはある種のテストに違いない、真実は彼の意見に反対することからしか得られない、羊のように同意することではない、と推論する?(5c)
c) 質問に答えず、もっと経験を積んで彼と知的な会話ができるようになるまで、意見を控えることを選ぶか?(5l)

15. 武器のクラスの上級生は、ここ数年、あなたを容赦なく惨敗させている。今日は学生トーナメントで、あなたは最初の試合で彼とペアを組むことになり、落胆しています。あなたが準備をしていると、友人が近づいてきて、昨日のスパーリングクラスで先輩が怪我をしたことを教えてくれました。あなたはどうしますか?
a) その申し出を受け入れ、負傷した部分に集中することができ、彼に勝つ可能性が大幅に高まることを知っているか?(5c)
b) 勝つか負けるかは別として、公平で名誉ある戦いであるべき試合において、余計な知識ではなく自分の技術でやりたいと考えて、申し出を拒否しますか?(5v)
c) 必要になったときのために知識を持っていたほうがよいという理由で、その申し出を受け入れ、知識を持つことが必ずしもそれを使うことを意味するとは限らないことを理解するか?(5l)

16. 市場に行く途中、老人が強盗に遭ったと言いながらあなたを呼び止めます。彼は小道に倒れており、重傷のようです。彼はあなたに町まで走って警官を呼んでくるように頼んでいます。あなたは、直接町に行って警官を連れ戻すと約束した。そして、その帰り道、別の小道を忍び足で歩く不審な男に気づく。彼はまだあなたに気づいていないようです。あなたはどうしますか?
a) その男の後を追う。この男が強盗なら、約束を破ることになるが、警官を直接連れて行き、他の旅人たちを守ることができると考えるからだ?(5c)
b) 彼に注意しながらも、小道の男がひどく傷ついていて、他のどんな配慮にもかかわらず立ち止まることができないと判断して、そのまま進むか?(5l)
c) 彼に注意しながらも、あなたの言葉はあなたの絆であり、他の何よりも優先されるという理由で、そのまま進みますか?(5v)

17. ある晴れた日の午後、釣りをしていたあなたは、捨てた長靴に蟻がたくさんいて、あなたが落としたパンのかけらから蟻塚へと忙しく移動していることに気がつきました。あなたはどうしますか。
a) 夕暮れまで帰らないのに、今すぐ長靴を拾って蟻を全部洗い落としますか?(5l)
b) アリがどのように効率よく働くのかに興味を持ち、生かされていることに満足して、アリを観察するか?(5v)
c) 葉っぱで船を作り、アリを一匹ずつ小川に流して、魚がかかるまで時間をつぶす?(5c)

18. あなたは武器の授業でアームズマスター・フェスティルが「相手の意図は刃に表れる」と発言するのを聞いた。多くの生徒が、公然とではありませんが、これを嘲笑しています。あなたは
a) 生徒たちがこれに対して見せる無礼な態度は、彼らが理解していない何かを示していると感じ、それゆえにあなたはより一層それを理解することに力を注ぐようになりますか?(5c)
b) 相手の攻撃や動き方に自分の気持ちが表れているということだと感じるか?(5v)
c) アームズマスター・フェスティルは軽蔑の対象ではなく、むしろ尊敬の対象であるべきだと気づく。なぜなら、彼は充実した人生を送り、生徒の誰も想像できないようなことを乗り越えてきたから?(5l)

19. この町では、当選したチットを呼ぶくじ引きがあります。あなたは自分の番号が自分の番号と同じであることにショックを受けています。あなたが何も言わないうちに、別の家族が前に出てきました。あなたは以前に彼らを見たことがあり、彼らが非常に貧しいことを知っています。一方、あなたの家族はとても裕福で、100金貨の賞品がなくても大丈夫なのです。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 何も言わず、他の家族が賞品を受け取るのを許しますか?(5v)
b) その賞品があなたのものであることを知りながら、立ち上がって自分の領収書を見せますか?(5c)
c) 立って手札を見せ、他の家族と賞品を半分ずつ分けることを申し出ますか?(5l)

20. アームズマスター・フェスティルはある日、授業で質問を投げかける。100人の中隊が敵前逃亡を試みている。壊れた砦から出る道は2つある。1つは、将校の部下が半分死ぬが、残りの半分が生き残る道。もう1つの道は、全員が死ぬ確率が50%だが、全員が生き残る確率も50%である。指揮官であるあなたならどうするか。
a) 部下の半分が生き残ることが保証される道を選びますか?(5l)
b) 全員が生き残る確率が50%で、全員が滅びる確率が50%の道を選びますか?(5v)
c) 選択を男性に譲り、どちらの道に進むべきか多数決で決めさせるか?(5c)

21. あなたには、近くの2つの村に住む大叔母と大叔父がおり、どちらもあなたの父に、あなたを数週間一緒に住まわせてほしいと頼んできた。お父さんはあなたをどこに送るか決めていますが、あなたの意見を聞きたいと思っています。もし選択肢があるならば、あなたはどちらを選びますか。
a) 大叔母さんのところに住むこと -- 賢明でかなりの財産を持つ老婦人。数週間の贅沢な暮らしは、啓発的であるだけでなく、非常に興味深いものになるかもしれない。(5c)
b) 大叔父と暮らす -- いつも他人事のような病気の老人。数週間一緒に暮らすのは熱心かもしれないが、彼は大叔母さんよりもあなたの助けを必要としているのだ。(5v)
c) 大叔母と大叔父の間で時間を分ける方法を考えましょう。おそらく、あなたはどちらとも思うように時間を過ごすことはできないだろうが、どちらも見捨てられることはないだろう。(5l)

22. ある友人が、あなたの特定の金の指輪がいかに好きかについて、何度か発言したことがある。ある日、あなたはこの指輪がなくなっていることに気づき、徹底的に探した結果、友人が食料庫に置いていったコートの中にあることを発見しました。 あなたは次のことをしたいですか?
a) 友達が指輪を見つけたのは、あなたに返すためである可能性が高いと判断し、どうしてその指輪を手に入れたのか尋ねる。(5v)
b) 盗んだことを彼に突きつける。あなたは、指輪が偶然に彼のポケットに入るわけがないこと、したがって、彼は物質的な利益のためにあなたを裏切る普通の泥棒に過ぎないことを知っています。(5c)
c) 何も言わず、友人の行動を見守ることにする。彼が無実であるか有罪であるかは、彼がどのような行動を取ろうとも、あなたには分かるはずです。その時、あなたは彼に真実を突きつけることができます。(5l)

23. あなたの親友が、隣村のほとんど知らない女の子に恋をしています。彼は非常に恥ずかしがり屋で、経験も浅いので、あなたの助けを求めています。あなたは彼に次のことを提案しますか。
a) すぐに彼女のところに行き、愛を告白する。もしその関係が成り立つなら、彼は最初から正直になる必要がある。あなたは彼をサポートするために村まで同行することを提案します。(5v)
b) 村で見つけた連絡先を使って、この女の子についてもっと調べてみる。彼女のことを何か知っていれば、彼はそれほど恥ずかしがることはないでしょうし、彼女が自分にとって適切な女性ではないことがわかるかもしれません。(5l)
c) 匿名でラブレターや詩を書くのを手伝わせて、直接会わなくても彼女の反応を見ることができるようにする。もし反応が良ければ、彼は村の彼女の友人と話し、「偶然の」出会いをアレンジすることができる。(5c)

24. アームズマスター・フェスティルは、遠い国の知り合いの偉大な王の話をしている。その発明家は、何十人もの人間を好きな場所に空中で運べるような、不思議な大きさの気球を作った。もし、あなたがその王様だったら、この素晴らしい気球をどのように使うかと尋ねています。 あなたなら
a) 陸路ではこれまで不可能であった、あるいは極めて危険であった地域を探検する。(5l)
b) 気球を秘密にし、奇襲攻撃や戦時の防衛のために取っておく。(5c)
c) この「風船」を何十個も作るよう発明者に依頼し、あなたの領域を横断する移動システムを作ることで、輸送時間と意見交換を早めることを期待している。(5v)

25. 地元の酒場で、「テレパス」と呼ばれる集団について熱い議論が交わされている。彼らはある都市国家の王たちに雇われている。噂によると、このテレパスは人の心を読み、従者が真実を語っているかどうかを彼らの領主に伝えるという。あなたは信じている。
a) これはひどい行為である。人の思考はその人自身のものであり、誰も、たとえ王であっても、他の人間の心にそのような侵入をする権利はないのだ。(5c)
b) 王に忠実な従者であれば、テレパスから恐れることはない。手遅れになる前に、暗殺者やスパイを見つける方法を持つことが重要である。(5v)
c) このご時世、必要悪である。この考えは必ずしも好きではないが、テレパスは戦時中や無実の人を見つける際に、ある種の利点をもたらす可能性がある。(5l)

26. ある若者が村の衛兵に捕まり、殺人の嫌疑をかけられたと聞きます。どうやら、彼の兄が地元の酒場で4人組の悪党に殺され、その悲しみのあまり、青年は4人組を追い詰めて殺害してしまったようです。よく考えてみると、あなたは次のように考えています。
a) 青年は弟の復讐のために立派に行動した。村長は彼を自由にさせるべきだ。(5v)
b) 若者に同情するとしても、平和のためには自警団法を容認するわけにはいかない。(5l)
c) 青年が犯した唯一の過ちは、復讐のために捕まったことである。そのため、彼は今、どんな運命が待ち受けているのか受け入れなければならない。(5c)

27. ある夜、帰宅途中、アームズマスター・フェスティルの教室で知り合った青年に襲われる。あなたはうまく防御し、彼を気絶させた。彼が気絶している間、あなたは
a) 彼を縛り上げ、後で彼が目覚めたときに尋問するつもりである。あなたは、彼がなぜあなたを攻撃したのか知りたいのです。その後、好きなようにアームズマスターに変身させることができる。(5l)
b) 喉を切り裂く。あなたは彼のことをクラスで知っていて、立場が逆だったら彼も同じことをしたと思っている。(5c)
c) 彼に目に見える傷跡を残す。あなたの手による彼の敗北を知り、そのような不名誉な戦術に手を染めた者には、目に見える罰として十分である。(5v)

28. あなたの父は、若い頃の旅の話をするのを楽しみにしている。ある印象的な話では、彼が訪れた原始の島では、火の神アリウスを鎮めるために、年に一度幼い子供が生け贄として捧げられていたことを話してくれた。その生け贄を怠ると、島の火山が噴火し、何百人もの村人が死んでしまうというのだ。あなたはすぐに父に告げます。
a) あなたはそんな火山の神など信じていない。文明人が介入し、噴火の背後にある自然の原因を見つけ、生け贄を止めるべきだ。(5l)
b) 子供の生贄を要求するアリウス神は邪悪な存在に違いない。村人たちは、この神の要求を呑むだけでなく、この神に対抗する何らかの方法を見つけるべきだ。(5v)
c) 悲劇的なことだが、多くの村人が死ぬよりは、一人の小さな子供が死ぬ方が望ましい。もしそれがうまくいくなら、その伝統を守るべきだ。神々は弄ばれるものではないのです。(5c)

29. アームズマスター・フェスティルは、クラスに新しい生徒を紹介する--小柄で不器用な少年タイスは、天賦の才能を全く持っていないようだ。クラスは2つの側に分かれて模擬戦を行い、「将軍」の一人として兵士を配置することになる。Tysはあなたの部下の一人です。あなたはこう決めます。
a) Tysを他の兵士と一緒に前線に配置する。現実的な戦いでは、Tysはどうせ犠牲になってしまうだろうし、多少の犠牲は仕方がないと合理的に考える。(5l)
b) Tysをスカウトとして使う。体が小さいので、忍び込んで敵の情報を集めるのが得意だろうと合理的に判断する。(5c)
c) 戦闘の間、タイスをいくつかの持ち場に配属し、近くにいて手助けすることで、貴重な経験を積ませ、向上させる。(5v)

30. あなたの母親がひどい病気なので、あなたは珍しい薬草を買うために数枚の金貨を持たされました。薬屋のドアにたどり着いたとき、財布に穴が開いていて、金貨がすべて落ちていることに気づきました。あなたはどうしますか。
a) 店に入り、薬屋に自分の窮状を話し、母親がどうしても必要な薬草の代金を支払うことを名誉にかけて約束する。(5l)
b) 薬屋から薬草を盗もうとする。薬屋のおじいさんには捕まらないだろうし、お母さんは病気で倒れていることを知っている。(5c)
c) 家へ逃げ帰り、損失を認め、父親がもっと金を持っていることを期待する。罰せられることは分かっていても、薬屋に借金をすることもなく、泥棒になることもないでしょう。(5v)

31. あなたが乗っているボートが突然、ものすごい渦に巻き込まれます。流れがあり得ない速度に達すると、小舟は水漏れを起こし始め、渦の下に沈み始める。あなたは、死を約束されない出口が見えないので、次のようにします。
a) バケツを拾って激しく水をかけ始め、あと数秒でもボートを浮かせておこうとする。(5l)
b) 座って運命を受け入れ、未知を恐れる平民としてではなく、礼儀と気高さをもって死ぬことを選ぶ。(5v)
c) 激流に飛び込む。自分の死を早めるだけかもしれないが、少なくとも何かをしているのだ。(5c)

32. あなたは王様の狩りに参加しています。この狩りは、最高のハンターが一生を快適に暮らせるだけの富を獲得するコンテストです。あなたは、多くの人が以前に撃った白い雄鹿を追跡しています。一人で鹿を調べると、その矢は友人の弓から放たれたものであることがわかる。矢を回収して詳しく調べていると、友人が到着する音が聞こえます。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 鹿に当たった矢は自分が放ったものだと主張し、殺しの名誉を得るか? (5c)
b) 矢をみんなに見せて、友人を今日のアーチャーと宣言するか?(5v)
c) 友人の矢がハートを倒したとはいえ、あなた方全員が追跡と殺害に貢献したことを理由に、賞品を分けることを提案しますか?(5l)

33. 物語とタロウ」から1ヶ月後、あなたは集めたお菓子の山を見て、特に嫌いなお菓子であるブランデッドプラムをたくさん見つけました。あなたは妹が好きなことを知っています。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 妹にプラムを全部あげますか?(5v)
b) その梅干しを、彼女があまり好きではないが自分が好きなものと交換しますか?(5l)
c) その梅干しが素晴らしいものであるかのように装って、代わりに彼女が本当に良いものを諦めるかどうか見てみる?(5c)

34. あなたのいとこはあなたにとても恥ずかしいあだ名をつけ、さらに悪いことに、あなたの友人の前でそのあだ名を呼ぶのが好きです。あなたは彼にやめてくれるように頼みましたが、彼はあなたが顔を赤らめるのを見るのがとても面白いようです。あなたはどうしますか?
a) もっと恥ずかしいあだ名を作って、彼が懲りるまでそれを使い続ける。(5l)
b) あなたのあだ名が屈辱的なものではなく、名誉の象徴になるような話を作る。(5c)
c) 従兄弟を殴り、もしまたそのあだ名を呼んだら、今度こそもっとひどい目に遭わせるぞと言う。(5v)

35. 友人のオティサが、あなたや彼女より数歳年上の男の子に殴られたことがあります。彼女はあなたに助けを求めています。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 友達をたくさん集めてその男の子を待ち伏せして、いじめについて教える。(5c)
b) オティサにいじめっ子を避けるように言う - 事態をこれ以上悪化させる理由はない。(5l)
c) 年上の男の子に挑戦して、おそらく殴られることを承知で、しかし何度もやれば、彼はより簡単な標的を選ぶと確信している。(5v)

36. あなたの両親が親戚数人を招いてパーティーを開いています。家の手伝いをしているとき、あなたはいとこが暗い部屋に入り込むのを見ました。不思議に思ってついていくと、彼は銀の燭台を上着に忍ばせているのを発見した。彼は立派な少年ですが、あなたは彼の家族が最近経済的な苦境に陥っていることを知っています。彼はまだあなたを見ていませんね。
a) 咳払いをして、彼に燭台を戻すように言い、家族が困っているならばあなたの両親は彼を助けることができるが、彼は盗みに手を出してはいけないと安心させる。(5l)
b) ドアを閉め、何も言わない。あなたの家族は燭台がなくても生きていけますが、いとこの家族は明らかに無理です。(5v)
c) 他の空き巣と同じように扱う。彼を部屋に閉じ込めて、父親を呼びましょう。もし、あなたのいとこの貧しさのために、彼が慈悲深いことを選ぶなら、それは彼の決断です。結局のところ、それはあなたのお父さんの燭台なのです。(5c)

37. 他の2人の冒険者とともに森を探索していると、かつて魔道士が住んでいたと思われる小さな廃屋に出くわします。窓の外には実験室の跡があり、棚にはたくさんのポーションや巻物が残されています。ジオティナというファイターは、あなたを臆病者だと思っているようで、この小屋に忍び込んで探索することを勧めてきます。また、Hunardというファイターが、町に行ってもっと情報を得ようと言っています。あなたはこう助言します。
a) 町に行くこと。彼らはこの地域に詳しく、この小屋とその周辺に関する重要な情報を持っているかもしれません。(5l)
b) 小屋に侵入するが、何かあったときのために一人外に残しておく。新しいことは、逃げずに調べるべき。(5v)
c) ジオティナにあえて先に入ってもらう。もし罠があれば彼女が仕掛け、その後あなたとフナールが入って自由に探検することができます。(5c)

38. アームズマスター・フェスティルとの授業は特に過酷です。彼はあなたを含め、誰に対しても理不尽な要求をします。彼の批判は罵倒に近いようで、肯定的なコメントはないようです。授業が終わると、フェスティルの肩越しに、クラスメートがフェスティルの手提げ袋に、攻撃的だが毒はない蛇を入れるのが見える。あなたなら
a) 何もしない。偉大なるアームズマスターは謙虚さを必要としており、これは今日あなたを悲惨な目に遭わせたことへの良いお返しかもしれません。(5c)
b) フェスティルに、彼の手提げ袋に蛇が入り込んだのを見た、と伝える。ただし、クラスメートが何をしたかは伝えないこと。しかし、クラスメートが何をしたかは教えてはいけません。(5l)
c) 直ちにフェスティルにクラスメートが何をしたかを伝える。その日のあなたへの対応がどうであれ、彼のようなベテランファイターに無礼な扱いをすることは許されません。(5v)

39. あなたが興味を示したので、アームズマスター・フェスティルはあなたに魔法兵器の見分け方のヒントを教えてくれました。その後、あなたは数人の友人とアーチェリーの練習をしていた。決して弓が強いとは言えない一人の少年が、ある種の射撃の名手になっていた。あなたは突然、彼が魔法の矢を使っていることに気づきました。あなたはどうしますか?
a) 矢のことをみんなに話す。友好的なアーチェリーの試合では、魔法の矢を使うことは不正行為です。(5v)
b) 友達が魔法の矢を使っていることに気づいたと伝え、もし買ってきてもらえなかったら、アームズマスターや他の人たちに、彼が上達した理由を話す。(5c)
c) 何も言わない。もし魔法の矢が必要なら、後でいつでも彼に何か言うことができます。結局のところ、魔法は本当にチートではなく、別のスキルなのです。(5l)

40. 一人で練習して、あなたは新しい戦闘スタイルを開発し、非常に興奮している。それをアームズマスター・フェスティルに話すと、実戦では絶対に使えないと言われる。あなたはどうしますか?
a) クラスのスパーリングの最中にその新しいスタイルを使う。うまくいったら、フェスティルはその実用性を認めるか、受け入れない理由を述べなければならなくなる。(5c)
b) それについてフェスティルに質問を続け、フォームの細部に焦点を当て、彼の反対を見つける。最終的には、彼はより具体的な批判をしなければならなくなるでしょう。(5l)
c) 彼の言葉を疑うことなく受け入れる。アームズマスター・フェスティルは、あなたの祖父の時代から戦ってきた人です。彼は欠点のあるスタイルを見ればわかるので、彼やあなたの時間を無駄にしてまで理由を聞かないほうがよいでしょう。(5v)



Character Class Descriptions

Thief Classes
Although all thieves and thief sub-classes have the ability to pick locks, pick pockets, and steal items, various classes have certain advantages or disadvantages in these areas. The governing statistics for all thief classes are Agility and Intelligence. A high Speed rating is also very desirable.

Quick, agile, cunning, Thieves use agility and speed to steal for a living. They are useful in combat to surprise the enemy, scout, or try for critical hits. Thieves have a chance per level of experience to score a critical hit when attacking an opponent. A critical hit is defined as 3x the damage the weapon normally does. Thieves are the fastest to rise in experience levels. They start with 25 health points plus a d10 in health. Thieves have the ability to pick locks and pockets. This ability increases as the Thief increases in levels.

Weapons: Dagger, Shortsword, Broadsword, Saber, War Axe, Short Bow
Armor: Leather only
Shield: Buckler only
Starting Health: 25 + d10

Burglars are adept at picking locks and infiltrating different areas. They do this better than any other class, honing their skills to be able to find ways into areas thought inaccessible. They are very useful when exploring new dungeons, palaces, or other areas where others may be stopped by locked doors and/or chests. Because of the delicate nature of their work, they are restricted in the armor they may wear and the weapons they may carry. They may not use shields. Burglars also receive a chance per level to score a critical strike (3x damage) when attacking an opponent, though they are not as adept at this as Thieves.

Weapons: Dagger, Short Sword, Tanto, Short Bow
Armor: Leather only
Shields: None
Starting Health: 25 + d8

Assassins are the dark hand of the night, their skills honed to the killing of others. They are very adept at this, able to find weak points or critical areas to strike, often felling opponents much more powerful than themselves. Assassins have the greatest chance per level to score a critical hit (3x damage) when attacking. Because of their training, Assassins have a wide variety of weapons from which to pick, but because of their need for stealth, they are not allowed to wear armor greater than leather or allowed to use shields.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Leather only
Shield: None
Starting Health: 25 + d12

Rogues are thieves who have also trained in using arms and armor. They have combined the agile and cunning of their brethren with the skill of arms found in warriors. This makes them formidable and versatile. They are comparable in combat to the warrior class, but still retain the ability to pick locks and pockets. Rogues may wear up to chain armor and use any weapon or shield, with the exception of the Tower Shield. Rogues have a slight chance per level to critical strike an opponent (3x damage).

Weapons: Any
Armor: Any Leather or Chain only
Shield: Any except for Tower.
Starting Health: 25 + d14

Acrobats are thieves who have honed their physical skills in agility and balance to such a degree that they are almost supernaturally adept at scaling walls, running, jumping, and tumbling. They retain the ability to score a critical hit. They also have the ability to leap great distances and climb walls more securely and faster than the average thief. They are, in general, the fastest characters on foot. Further, because of their nimbleness, Acrobats deduct a certain percentage from their opponent’s base chance to hit when engaged in combat with them. This makes them difficult foes to hit, and dangerous adversaries. Because of their need for agility and speed, Acrobats use only leather armor, but never shields, and have a reasonable selection of weapons.

Weapons: Dagger, Shortsword, Broadsword, Tanto, Shortbow
Armor: Leather only
Shield: None
Starting Health: 25 + d8

Bards are the proverbial ‘Jack of all Trades’. They are able to perform many tasks, including but not limited to: critical strikes, weapons skill, picking locks/pockets, and magic. They are a very versatile class, able to take up slack in almost any situation. Bards receive an amount equal to their INT in spell points.
They have a wide selection of weapons, may wear armor up to chain, and use any shield except the Tower Shield. A Bard’s critical strike capability is useful when cornered by stronger opponents, though their chance to score is not as great as Thieves and the others in this subclass.

Weapons: Dagger, Shortsword, Broadsword, Saber, Mace, War Axe, Shortbow
Armor: Any Leather or Chain only
Shield: Any except Tower Shield
Starting Health: 25 + d10

Warrior Classes
Warriors and their subclasses are the strong arm of the Empire. They are versatile and useful in most situations, since there is no question that any problem can be solved with a sword. Unless otherwise specified, Warriors and their subclasses cannot ever cast spells. The governing statistics for warriors and their subclasses are Strength and Endurance. A high Agility is also desirable, since this directly affects their Armor Rating.

Warriors are the basic stock of the world of Tamriel. They are a versatile character, able to employ their skill at arms in almost any situation. They may use any weapon, armor, or shield. With the exception of Knights and Rangers, Warriors are the only other class able to wear plate armor. This fact is important, for only plate armor is strong enough to be enchanted. Therefore, only Warriors, Knights and Rangers may wear enchanted armor. Warriors are the second fastest to rise in experience, Thieves being the fastest. At high levels this, along with the use of magical equipment, puts them in equal standing with Mages and their ilk.

Weapon: Any
Armor: Any
Shield: Any
Starting Health: 25 + d20

Knights are the fighters of the noble class. They are well schooled in the ways of chivalry and conduct themselves with honor and dignity. Knights may use any weapon, wear any armor except for leather, and use any shields.
In addition, because of a Knight’s innate strength of character, he or she is immune to paralyzation, whether they by carried by spells or poison. They also have the ability to repair damaged weapons or armor. This ability is done automatically to any weapons or armor in their inventory. Knights and the other Warrior subclasses do not rise in experience as quickly as a Warrior.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Not Leather
Shields: Any
Starting Health: 25 + d18

Rangers are woodsmen and hunters, adept at tracking, survival, and pathfinding. Rangers may wear any armor up to and including plate armor, and use any weapon. Rangers because of their skills at tracking and survival automatically decrease their traveling time between cities. In addition, Rangers do extra damage equivalent to their level to their opponents.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Any
Shields: Any except Tower
Starting Health: 25 + d18

Archers are the marksmen of the Empire, adept at using any missile weapon during melee. They may wear any armor up to and including chain, and use any weapon. They may not use shields. Archers have a chance of causing a critical strike upon a target per experience level when using any missile weapon (longbow or shortbow). A critical strike equals 3x the normal damage caused for the weapon used.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Any Leather or Chain only
Shields: None
Starting Health: 25 + d16

Monks use the discipline of their mind to hone their bodies into lethal killing machines. Monks may not wear armor or use shields, but may use any weapon they prefer. Monks have a chance per level of experience to deliver a critical strike (3x damage) when engaged with an opponent. They do not have this ability with missile weapons. Further, Monks deduct from their opponents base chance to hit for each level of experience they have attained. Because of their mental discipline, Monks can actually reduce the amount of damage they would normally take. If they successfully save versus a spell, it will result in no damage, as opposed to the normal result of taking half damage.

Weapons: Any
Armor: None
Shields: None
Starting Health: 25 + d14

Barbarians are warriors who have learned to fight in order to survive the harsh life of their homeland. Barbarians may wear armor up to and including Chain, and may use any weapon or shield. Barbarians begin with the most hit points of any character class. Because of their hardy upbringing, Barbarians have a natural immunity to poison. Barbarians, because of their incredible physique, heal additional health points based upon their endurance.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Up to Chain
Shield: Any
Starting Health: 25 + d30

Mage Classes
Wizards and their subclasses use and manipulate the essence of magic. They are, at high levels, some of the most powerful characters available to play, mainly because of the wide variety of spells they can employ. Wizards and their subclasses use Intelligence and Willpower as their governing statistics.

Mages are born and bred for manipulating magic. They may not wear armor or use shields. They may however use a limited assortment of weapons. They depend upon spells for offensive and defensive power. Mages have 2x their INT in spell points.

Weapons: Dagger, Staff
Armor: None
Shield: Buckler only
Starting Health: 25 + d6

Sorcerers are a strange breed of magic users. They are those born with the potential of casting spells, but with no power to generate spell points internally. This does not make them any less powerful; in fact Sorcerers have the potential to be the most powerful of all the Mage classes. This is because of the unique way in which they manipulate magic. Sorcerers are in essence, magical ‘batteries’. They absorb spell points from spells that are targeted at them. Sorcerers may absorb up to 3x their INT in spell points. If a spell is absorbed, the Sorcerer takes no damage, but instead adds the spell’s total power points, divided by the Sorcerer’s level, to his/her own spell points. These points are permanent until used. If a Sorcerer fails to absorb a directed spell, they take the normal effects, whatever they may be. Sorcerers do not regenerate spell points and they do not absorb points from their own spells. If a Sorcerer has absorbed spell points to his/her maximum, he/she will be unable to absorb more spells, and will take damage from spells just as any other character. Regardless of these restrictions they have the ability to cast more powerful spells because when they are fully ‘charged’, they have more spell points than any other Mage class. They can therefore cast more powerful spells at lower levels, provided that the spell is in their spellbook. Sorcerers have a wide selection of weapons and armor, but cannot use shields. Without a charge of spell points, they would quickly succumb to attacks if they did not practice defending themselves.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Any up to Chain
Shield: None
Starting Health: 25 + d6

Healers are mages dedicated to treating injuries and helping those in need. Their powers tend to be powerful in a defensive nature, and weak in an offensive nature. Healers have an increased base healing rate. Certain defensive spell effects in the Spellmaker are cheaper for a healer to purchase. Healers have 1.75x their INT in spell points.

Weapons: Dagger, Staff, Mace, Flail
Armor: Any Leather or Chain only
Shield: Any up to Round
Starting Health: 25 + d8

Battle Mages
Battle Mages are mages trained and bred to manipulate the essence of magic in battle. They are highly skilled at delivering offensive spells at their targets. They have 1.75x their INT in spell points. Certain offensive spell effects in the Spellmaker are cheaper for a Battle Mage to purchase. In combat, a trained Battle Mage has few equals.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Leather only
Shield: Any up to Round
Starting Health: 25 + d10

Spellswords are those few mages who have found that they have a unique ability cast spells while in armor or using weapons. They are warrior-mages, dedicating their lives to learning not only the arts of war, but the ethereal ways of power. They may use any weapon, almost any armor, and any shield except for the tower shield. Spellswords, because of their dedication to learning both arts, receive only 1.5x their INT in spell points. This is more than made up for by their versatility in combat and their increased starting hit points.

Weapons: Any
Armor: Any Leather or Chain only
Shield: Any except for Tower Shield.
Starting Health: 25 + d12

Nightblades are those mages who have perfected their arts to help in activities involving infiltration, spying, and stealth. They are much like thieves, creatures of the night, able to use their considerable powers to help them in their nocturnal activities. In combat, Nightblades receive a chance per level of scoring a critical hit (3x damage). Nightblades can pick locks about as well as Rogues. They also receive 1.5x their INT in starting spell points.

Weapons: Dagger, Staff, Short Bow, Short Sword, Saber.
Armor: Leather only
Shield: Buckler only
Starting Health: 25 + d8




武器: ダガー、ショートソード、ブロードソード、セイバー、ウォーアックス、ショートボウ
鎧: 革製のみ
盾: バックラーのみ
初期ヘルス: 25 + d10


武器: ダガー、ショートソード、タント、ショートボウ
鎧: 革製のみ
盾: なし
初期ヘルス: 25 + d8


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革製のみ
シールド: なし
初期ヘルス: 25 + d12


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革製または鎖状のみ
盾: タワー以外なら何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d14


武器: ダガー、ショートソード、ブロードソード、タント、ショートボウ
鎧: 革製のみ
盾: なし
初期ヘルス: 25 + d8


武器: ダガー、ショートソード、ブロードソード、サーベル、メイス、ウォーアックス、ショートボウ
鎧: 革か鎖のもののみ
盾: タワーシールド以外
初期ヘルス: 25 + d10



武器: 何でも
防具: 何でも
盾: 何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d20


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革製以外
盾: 何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d18


武器: 何でも
鎧: 何でも
盾: タワー以外
初期ヘルス: 25 + d18


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革または鎖のみ
盾: なし
初期ヘルス: 25 + d16


武器: 何でも
鎧: なし
盾: なし
初期ヘルス: 25 + d14


武器: 何でも
鎧: チェインまで
シールド: 何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d30



武器: ダガー、スタッフ
鎧: なし
盾: バックラーのみ
初期ヘルス: 25 + d6

ソーサラーは奇妙な種類の魔法使いである。彼らは生まれながらにして呪文を唱える可能性を持っているが、内部で呪文ポイントを生成する力を持たない者たちである。このことは彼らの力を弱めることにはならない。事実、ソーサラーはすべてのメイジ・クラスの中で最も強力になる可能性を持っている。これは彼らが魔法を操る方法が独特であるためである。ソーサラーは本質的に魔法の "電池 "である。彼らは自分をターゲットにした呪文からスペル・ポイントを吸収する。ソーサラーは自分のINTの3倍までのスペル・ポイントを吸収することができる。スペルが吸収された場合、ソーサラーはダメージを受けず、代わりにそのスペルのパワーポイントの合計をソーサラーのレベルで割って自分のスペルポイントに加算する。このポイントは使用されるまで永久に残る。ソーサラーが指示された呪文の吸収に失敗した場合、それが何であれ、通常の効果を受ける。ソーサラーはスペル・ポイントを再生成しないし、自身のスペルからポイントを吸収することもない。ソーサラーが最大までスペル・ポイントを吸収した場合、それ以上スペルを吸収することはできず、他のキャラクターと同様にスペルからダメージを受けることになる。これらの制限にかかわらず、彼らはより強力な呪文を唱える能力を持っています。なぜなら、完全に「充電」されたとき、彼らは他のどのメイジ・クラスよりも多くの呪文ポイントを持っているからです。そのため、より強力な呪文を低レベルで唱えることも可能です(ただし、その呪文がスペルブックに含まれていることが条件)。ソーサラーは幅広い種類の武器と鎧を持っているが、盾を使うことはできない。スペル・ポイントのチャージがないため、防御の練習をしなければすぐに攻撃に屈してしまう。

武器: 何でも
鎧: チェインまでなら何でも
シールド: なし
初期ヘルス: 25+d6


武器: ダガー、スタッフ、メイス、フレイル
鎧: 革か鎖のもののみ
シールド: ラウンドまでなら何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d8


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革製のみ
盾: ラウンドまでなら何でも
初期ヘルス: 25 + d10


武器: 何でも
鎧: 革または鎖のみ
盾: タワーシールドを除くすべてのシールド
初期ヘルス: 25 + d12


武器: ダガー、スタッフ、ショートボウ、ショートソード、セイバー
アーマー: レザーのみ
盾: バックラーのみ
初期ヘルス: 25 + d8



The Races
Here is a brief description of each of the races, their strengths, and their suitability to a particular art:

Nords hail from the province of Skyrim. They are a tall and fairskinned people who are strong, willful, and hardy. It is rumored that growing in their arctic environment has inured them to its effects, for they seem to shrug off all but the coldest of attacks. Nords take half damage from Cold based attacks, and on a successful saving throw take no damage. They are excellent in all arts concerning the blade and shield.

Khajiit hail from the province of Elsweyr. They are a fair skinned people who are extremely hardy, intelligent, and agile. Legend has it that they descended from an intelligent feline race, for they still retain a strange cast to their features. Many Khajiit have taken to painting their faces to more resemble their distant cousins, the predatory cats that hunt the great desert. Khajiit are expert climbers, able to scale chasm wall sides with speed unmatched by any other race. They are adept at all arts involving thieving and sleight of hand.

Redguards hail from the province of Hammerfell. They are a stocky, powerful race that are known to be extremely hardy and quick. Legend has it that the Redguard are innately more proficient at weapons than any other race. Redguards receive their (level / 3) as a bonus to hit and damage with any melee weapon (ie...excluding bows). They are excellent in all arts concerning the blade and shield.

Bretons hail from the province of High Rock. They are a tall, darkhaired people. Bretons are a highly intelligent and willful people, and have an outgoing personality. It is said that Bretons are weaned on magic, for it seems to suffuse their very being. As a result Bretons take half damage from any Magic based attacks, and no damage on a successful save. They are excellent in all the arcane arts.

Argonians hail from the province of Black Marsh. They are a highly evolved race of reptilians, at home in any marsh-like environment from which they hail. They are known for their intelligence, agility, and speed. Because of their reptilian nature, Argonians do not tire easily while swimming, and seldom drown. They can also swim faster than any other race. They are adept at any art involving the arcane, or involving thievery and sleight of hand.

Wood Elves:
Wood Elves hail from the province of Valenwood. They are a people of the forests, matching their features to all that is found growing in the green woods of their homeland. They are known to be extremely agile and quick. Wood Elves receive their (level / 3) as a bonus to hit and damage with any bow weapon. They are well suited towards any class, although their nimbleness serves them best in any art involving thievery.

High Elves:
High Elves hail from the island province of Summurset. They are a tall, golden-skinned people with almond shaped eyes. High Elves are extremely intelligent, agile, and willful. High Elves seem drawn to magic as a moth is to flame. They have a natural affinity to its use, and often make quite formidable wizards. High Elves are naturally immune to paralyzation. They are adept at any art involving the arcane.

Dark Elves:
Dark Elves hail from the province of Morrowind. They are a tall, dark-skinned people with red, glowing eyes. They are known to be extremely strong and intelligent, and very quick. Dark Elves seem innately attuned to weaving magic with weapons. Dark Elves receive their (level / 4) as a bonus to hit and damage with any melee or ranged weapon. They are adept in any art involving the blade and shield combined with the arcane arts.













Character Stats

Once you have selected your homeland and your name, and answered the questions that will aid you in choosing your class, or selected your class using the Select option, you will enter the stat generation section. All stats range from 1 to 100, with 50 being average. You will notice that you have a range of stats based upon the race you have chosen, and a box that shows your Bonus points. These points can be distributed amongst your stats to personalize your character. Remember to follow the advice given to you about what stats are important for success as the class you have chosen. All classes have two governing stats and six secondary stats.

Remember, a stat of 50 is average. It means that 50% of the people in the world are better than you in this particular area, and 50% are not. Using Strength as an example, a STR of 72 would mean that my character was stronger than 71% of the people in the Empire. People with a 72 STR would be my equal, and those with a higher rating would be stronger.

When you are finished click ‘Done’ to continue to the next section.






Choosing a Face

After you have finished distributing your stats, you will be able to choose what your character looks like. Click his head with your left mouse button and you will cycle through the different faces available to you. When you are finished choosing, click ‘Done’. You are now ready to journey into the world of Arena.





Character Stats

There are 8 governing stats that make up your character in the world of Arena. Here is a list of them and their explanations:

1. Strength: STR
This governs how strong you are. It affects how much damage you do in combat and is a factor in determining your fatigue points. Strength also affects how much you can carry and not be encumbered, and how far you can jump. It is essential that any warrior class have a high Strength.

2. Intelligence: INT
This governs how smart you are. It affects the total amount of spell points you get to cast spells with. Intelligence affects your chances in negotiating for items and other purchases. It also affects your chances of figuring out a lock in case you wish to pick it. It is essential that any mage or thief has a high Intelligence.

3. Willpower: WIL
This governs how mentally tough you are. It affects your ability to withstand or resist spells. It affects your ability to negotiate successfully with shop owners and innkeepers. It is vital that any character wishing to be adequately defended against spells should have a high Willpower.

4. Agility: AGI
This governs how nimble you are. It directly affects your chances of hitting an enemy with a melee weapon, your chance of getting hit in hand to hand melee, and your chance of getting hit by targeted spells. It also affects your chance to steal an item or pick a lock. It is essential for thief class characters to have a high Agility.

5. Speed: SPD
This governs how fast you are. It directly affects your movement rate in and out of combat, and the fire rate if you are using a missile weapon. It is important that any class characters have a high Speed.

6. Endurance: END
This governs how healthy you are. It directly affects your hit points, your healing rate, and is a factor in determining your fatigue points. It also affects your resistance to poisons and other drugs that you may come into contact with while adventuring. It is essential that warrior class characters have a high Endurance.

7. Personality: PER
This governs how charming and socially acceptable you are. It directly affects your ability to negotiate with other people you may meet in your travels. It is essential for any person wishing to interact with others have a high Personality.

8. Luck: LUC
This governs how fate affects you. It is a powerful modifier to any action you may take, whether it be attacking, defending, stealing, or anything else. It is important, but not essential, for any character class to have a high Luck. Remember, just as in other stats your character can be ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ depending upon your luck score. The average is 50.



1. 強さ: STR

2. 知能: INT

3. 意志力: WIL

4. 敏捷性: AGI

5. スピード: SPD

6. エンデュランス: END

7. パーソナリティ: PER

8. 運: LUC



Explanations of the modifiers
As with all other modifiers in the game, a positive modifier is a bonus to your abilities, a negative modifier is a penalty to your abilities. The modifiers listed above next to each stat define the following:

Damage - This number modifies that amount of damage you inflict in hand to hand combat. People with STR ratings 55 and above will have a positive modifier; those with 45 and below will have a negative modifier.
Max Kilos - This is the maximum amount you can carry in kilos. As you reach this max you will find yourself getting more encumbered. As characters carry more and more, they suffer gradual penalties to their fatigue until they cannot move or swing.

Spell Pts. - The number here represents the amount of magical power a spellcaster has. Non-spellcasters will have a 0 in this slot. Spellcasters will have a range from 2 to 200. Sorcerers can have a range here from 3 - 300. As a spellcaster’s INT rating increases, so will his or her spell points available for casting.

Magic Def. - This number represents the penalty or bonus an opposing spellcaster gets when attacking you. The higher your WIL, the better chance you have of resisting spells cast at you.

To Hit - This number represents the bonus or penalty you receive when attacking an opponent in hand to hand melee. The higher your AGI rating, the better your chance of hitting your opponent.
To Def. - This number represents the addition or reduction to your Armor Rating because of your natural agility or clumsiness. The higher your AGI rating, the more is subtracted from your Armor Rating. Remember, the lower your Armor Rating, the more protected you are.

General - Although speed is explained under the Stats section, it is important to mention here that a character with a higher SPD rating turns quicker, and runs faster. These advantages, or penalties, can make the difference for you between life and death.

Health - This number represents how many health points are added or subtracted from your health during character generation and each time you level. Characters with a high END rating will receive more health points on average each time they gain a level.
Heal Mod - This percentage represents the modification to the base healing rate every character has. You heal a certain percentage of your total health points for each hour of rest. This number is added or subtracted from that percentage. Therefore characters with a higher END will heal faster for each hour of rest.

Charisma - This number represents the modification to the base chance of successfully negotiating with the different people you may meet while adventuring in the land. Characters with a high PER rating will find it much easier to get cheaper prices, better sales, and more information from those people they meet.

General - It is important to mention here that LUC can have a profound effect upon your life. Characters with a high LUC rating find that they have a better chance at everything they attempt to do. Conversely, those with a low LUC rating find that things don’t always work out their way.


ダメージ - この数値は、手と手との戦闘で与えるダメージの量を修正します。STRが55以上の人はプラス、45以下の人はマイナスの修正を受けます。
Max Kilos - あなたが持ち運べる最大量です。この最大値に達すると、より不自由になることがわかります。キャラクターはより多くのものを運ぶと、動くことも振ることもできなくなるまで、疲労度に徐々にペナルティを受ける。

Spell Pts. - ここの数字はスペルキャスターが持っている魔力の量を表しています。スペルキャスターでない者はこのスロットに0を入れる。スペルキャスターは2〜200の範囲となります。ソーサラーは3から300の範囲です。スペルキャスターのINTが増加すると、使用できるスペルポイントも増加します。

魔法防御 - この数値は、相手呪文師があなたを攻撃する際に受けるペナルティやボーナスを表します。WILが高ければ高いほど、自分にかけられた呪文に抵抗できる可能性が高くなります。

命中率 - この数値は、手と手による近接攻撃時に受けるボーナスまたはペナルティを表します。AGIが高ければ高いほど相手に命中する確率が高くなります。
防御力 - この数値は、あなたの生まれつきの敏捷性や不器用さによるアーマー・レーティングへの加算や減少を表します。AGIが高ければ高いほど、アーマー評価から差し引かれる数値は多くなります。アーマーレーティングが低ければ低いほど、より守られていることになります。

一般 - 速度についてはStatsのセクションで説明されていますが、ここで重要なのはSPDが高いキャラクターは素早く回転し、素早く走ることができるということです。これらの利点や欠点は生死を分けることがあります。

ヘルス - この数値は、キャラクター生成時およびレベルアップのたびに、ヘルスに何ポイント加算または減算されるかを表します。ENDが高いキャラクターは、レベルを上げるたびに平均してより多くのヘルスポイントを受け取ります。
ヒールモッド - このパーセンテージは、すべてのキャラクターが持っている基本ヒールレートへの修正を表します。1時間の休息ごとに、ヘルスポイントの合計の一定割合が回復する。この数値はそのパーセンテージに加算、または減算される。したがって、ENDが高いキャラクターは、1時間の休息ごとに回復が速くなります。

カリスマ - この数値は、その土地での冒険中に出会う様々な人々との交渉がうまくいく確率の基本値に修正を加えたものである。PERが高いキャラクターは、出会った人々からより安い値段、より良い売り上げ、より多くの情報を得ることがより容易になる。

一般 - ここで重要なのは、LUCはあなたの人生に大きな影響を与えるということです。LUCが高いキャラクターは、やろうとすること全てにおいてより良いチャンスがあることに気づく。逆に、LUCの低いキャラクターは、物事がいつも思い通りにいかないと感じる。





Character Sheet

Page 1
Your chosen name is here
Your chosen race is here
Your chosen class is here

Done This button exits the screen
Experience: Your current experience points are shown here.
Level: Your current level is shown here

Next Page This takes you to page 2 of the Character Sheet

Health: Your current hit points here
Fatigue: 2 - 200 fatigue points rating here
Gold: Your current gold here



Done このボタンで画面を終了します。
経験値 現在の経験値が表示されます。
レベル 現在のレベルが表示されます。

次のページ キャラクターシートの2ページ目に進みます。

健康状態 現在のヒットポイント



Character Sheet
Page 2

Your name here
Your race here
Your class here
Your current level here

Your list of equipment will go here.
Right clicking a piece of equipment will give you info on that particular piece.
Left clicking an item will equip it, if possible.
Equipped items will be displayed in yellow.
Equipable items will be displayed in tan.
Unequipable items will be displayed in red.
Unidentified magical items will be displayed in cyan.
Unidentified magical items that are equipped will be displayed in bright cyan.
The arrows will scroll through your equipment
You may carry up to 40 items
Drop: Drop will drop a highlighted item from the inventory
Spellbook: Spellbook will list spells in the equipment area. Clicking a spell will allow you to see its effects.
Exit: Exit goes to page 1 of the character sheet

Character Portrait
Your various armor ratings will show up on this character portrait.
See ‘Armor Ratings’.



ドロップ: インベントリからハイライトされたアイテムをドロップします。
スペルブック 装備エリアにある呪文がリストアップされます。呪文をクリックすると、その効果を見ることができます。
終了 キャラクターシートの1ページ目に移動します。




Armor Ratings
On this character sheet you will see numbers printed next to your body. These numbers represent your level of protection on various parts of your body. Armor ratings range from +10 (unprotected) down through 0, to negative numbers which represent better and better protection. Basically, the lower your AR is, the better protected you are. Therefore a character with +10 rating is less protected than a character with +3 rating, and a character with a -4 rating is better protected than either of the above.

The numbers on your figure are positioned to represent various parts of your body. They are arranged as follows, from top downward (we have put the armor piece that protects this area in parenthesis):

Head (helm)
R Shoulder
Chest (cuirass)
Hands (gauntlets)
Waist and Legs (greaves)
Lower Legs and Feet (boots)

L Shoulder (pauldrons)

For a complete explanation of Armor, armor pieces, AR ratings and the effects of equipment, see Equipment Store.



R 肩

L 肩(ポールドロン)
